Research at the Center

Research Briefs
- Developing Talent in Science and Technology: Institutional Factors and Minorities in the STEM Disciplines (PDF)
- A Closer Look at Diversity: Exploring African American Enrollment Across South Carolina’s Public Colleges and Universities (PDF)
- African American Students in South Carolina’s Technical College System: An Overview of Critical Indicators (PDF)
- Achievement in the Face of Adversity: South Carolina’s Historically Black Colleges (PDF)
- African American College Faculty Job Satisfaction (PDF)
- African American Preschoolers: Risk Factors and School Readiness (PDF)
- Affirmative Action in Brazil (PDF)
- Exploring Educational Expectations Among African American Parents (PDF)
- Differences in Voting Behavior by College Major (PDF)
- Violent Crime on Campus: A Case for More Research (PDF)
- The Relationship Between Upper Level Math Courses in High School and College Success (PDF)
Policy Reports
- Disparities in Educational Opportunity: The Academic Achievement Gap, Teacher Quality, and No Child Left Behind (PDF)
- Minorities and Equity-Related Funding Issues in South Carolina’s Public Schools (PDF)
- Equity and Equality in Education Finance: Trying to Level the Playing Field (PDF)
- Postsecondary Education and Institutional Change: Legislating Access and Opportunity for African American Students (PDF)
- Issues in Remedial Education at the Postsecondary Level (PDF)
- A New Role for Accountability: Increasing Access and Equity in Higher Education (PDF)
- Grade Retention and African American Students: A Brief Look at Research, Policies, and Outcomes (PDF)
- Quality Early Childhood Interventions: A New Hope for Addressing the Academic Achievement Gap (PDF)
- Financing the American Dream: Effects of Financial Aid Policies on Student Enrollment (PDF)
Journal Articles
- Testing Educational Digital Games: Diversifying Usability Studies Utilizing Rapid Application Development (PDF)
- Getting Off the List: Leadership, Learning, and Context in Two Rural, High-Needs Schools (PDF)
- Supporting the Pathway to the Professoriate: A Descriptive Overview of a Faculty Development Program (PDF)
- Effects of Greek Affiliation on African American Students’ Engagement: Differences by College Racial Composition (PDF)
- Concurrent Validity of the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI): A Study of African American Precollege Students (PDF)
- Racial Differences in the Impact of Participating in Advanced Placement Programs on Educational and Labor Market Outcomes (PDF)
- Factors Affecting Urban African American High School Students' Achievement in Reading (PDF)
- Recommendations for Research to Improve Reading Achievement for African American Students (PDF)
- Effects of Attending a 2-Year Institution on African American Males’ Academic and Social Integration in the First Year of College (PDF)