
Crop Code No. 001: Cotton (dryland)

Soil Groups 1, 2, 3 or 4       Desired pH 6.0-6.5
Phosphorus Potassium
  Low Medium Sufficient High Excessive
  pounds of N-P2O5-K2O per acre
Low 70-120-100 70-120-60 70-120-0 70-120-0 70-120-0
Medium 70-  60-100 70-  60-60 70-  60-0 70-  60-0 70-  60-0
Sufficient 70-    0-100 70-    0-60 70-    0-0 70-    0-0 70-    0-0
High 70-    0-100 70-    0-60 70-    0-0 70-    0-0 70-    0-0
Excessive 70-    0-100 70-    0-60 70-    0-0 70-    0-0 70-    0-0

Crop Code No. 002: Cotton (irrigated)

Soil Groups 1, 2, 3 or 4     Desired pH 6.0-6.5
Phosphorus Potassium
  Low Medium Sufficient High Excessive
  pounds of N-P2O5-K2O per acre
Low 100-120-120 100-120-80 100-120-0 100-120-0 100-120-0
Medium 100-  60-120 100-  60-80 100-  60-0 100-  60-0 100-  60-0
Sufficient 100-    0-120 100-    0-80 100-    0-0 100-    0-0 100-    0-0
High 100-    0-120 100-    0-80 100-    0-0 100-    0-0 100-    0-0
Excessive 100-    0-120 100-    0-80 100-    0-0 100-    0-0 100-    0-0

COMMENTS (1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 24, 27, 61, 203, 650, 653)

10  Decrease nitrogen rate by 20 to 30 lbs nitrogen per acre when excessive growth, late maturity or boll rot occurs.  When vegetative growth is inadequate, increase nitrogen rate by 20 to 30 lbs nitrogen per acre.  When cotton follows soybeans or other legume in rotation, reduce nitrogen rate by 20 to 30 lbs nitrogen per acre.  Apply one-fourth to one-third of the nitrogen at planting and sidedress the balance by June 15.  If necessary to apply nitrogen after July 1, use a nitrate-nitrogen source at a low rate of 10 to 15 lbs nitrogen per acre.

11  For a 500 lbs per acre yield, apply 70 lbs nitrogen per acre and add 6 lbs nitrogen per acre for each additional 100 lbs per acre yield increase expected over 500 lbs. 

12  This is a boron sensitive crop.  Apply 0.4 lbs boron per acre in the fertilizer or in the insecticide spray in either one or several applications so long as the total boron applied does not exceed 1.0 lb boron per acre.
(Recommendation when soil test boron is less than 3.1 lbs per acre)

13  This is a manganese sensitive crop.  Apply 10 lbs manganese per acre with the fertilizer when manganese deficiency has been observed in previous years.  When manganese deficiency symptoms occur, confirm by a plant analysis.  Apply manganese as a foliar spray either singularly or mixed with a pesticide.  Make one or two applications of 1 lb manganese per acre. 

14  With each additional 100 lbs per acre yield increase over 500 lbs, increase the recommended potash rate by 5 lbs potash per acre.

24  Apply 10 lbs sulfur per acre, or sufficient sulfur-containing fertilizer to supply this amount.

27  Petiole analysis can be used to monitor nitrogen during the season for making in season adjustments.  Leaf blade analysis can also be used to determine the nutrient status of cotton prior to bloom or for troubleshooting anytime during the season.  Contact the lab for sampling and interpretation guidelines.

61  Apply 10 to 15 lbs magnesium per acre with the fertilizer.  (When lime is not recommended for Soil Codes 1, 2, or 3 and soil test magnesium is medium.)

203  When preparing the soil for planting, broadcast phosphate and potash fertilizer, and when recommended magnesium-, sulfur-, manganese- and/or boron-containing fertilizers.

653  The soil test zinc is low, however, this is not a zinc sensitive crop, therefore no zinc is recommended.  (When soil test zinc is low)