Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

The Clemson University Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic is a multi-disciplinary program which provides diagnoses and management recommendations for plant and turf problems, which include diseases, nematodes, weeds, environmental issues, nutritional deficiencies and insect pests of plants. We also identify insects infesting structures, humans, pets and livestock.  

The Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic receives samples from the Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service offices, homeowners, growers, landscapers, turfgrass management professionals and researchers. Our diagnosticians work closely with Clemson University specialists to provide management recommendations. As a part of Clemson University Regulatory Services, we also help to detect and document new plant diseases and pests in South Carolina.

Samples are required for diagnosis or identification.
Laboratory services are not provided by email, phone, or online.

Samples may be submitted through the County Extension offices or directly to the laboratory. Each location has the supplies needed for submitting samples. Sample submission forms may be found in the right-hand column of this page.  Our laboratories include the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic, Nematode Assay Lab, Commercial Turfgrass Clinic and MPPD Lab. Our laboratory address is:

Clemson University
Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic
511 Westinghouse Road
Pendleton, SC 29670

(864) 646-2133

Laboratory hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(closed during lunch hour, noon - 1:00 p.m.)