Crop Code No. 050: Alfalfa

 Soil Groups 3 or 4              Desired pH 6.0-6.5
Phosphorus Potassium
  Low Medium Sufficient High Excessive
  pounds of N-P2O5-K2O per acre
Low 0-200-300 0-200-200 0-200-100 0-200-50 0-100-0
Medium 0-100-300 0-100-200 0-100-100 0-100-50 0-100-0
Sufficient 0-  50-300 0-  50-200 0-  50-100 0-  50-50 0  -50-0
High 0-    0-300 0-    0-200 0-    0-100 0-    0-50 0   - 0-0
Excessive 0-    0-300 0-    0-200 0-    0-100 0-    0-50 0  -  0-0

COMMENTS (1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 49, 50, 51, 650, 652, 653)

49  Broadcast lime, phosphate and potash fertilizer and work into the soil three months before seeding alfalfa. Maintenance fertilizer and lime rates should be applied after the first cutting.  To extend the life of any alfalfa stand, apply 100 lbs potash per acre in two equal applications, one-half after the first cutting and one-half after the third cutting. 

50  Inoculate the legume seed at planting.

51  This is a boron sensitive crop.  Apply 3 lbs boron per acre annually.  (Recommendation when soil test boron is less than 3.1 lbs per acre)  

652  The soil test manganese is low, however, this is not a manganese sensitive crop, therefore no manganese is recommended.  (When soil test manganese is low)

653  The soil test zinc is low, however, this is not a zinc sensitive crop, therefore no zinc is recommended.  (When soil test zinc is low)