Temporary Annual Grazing

Crop Code No. 038 or 039: Temporary Annual Grazing, Winter Rye (038) or Summer Millet/Sudan (039)

Soil Groups 1, 2, 3, or 4     Desired pH 6.0-6.5
Phosphorus Potassium
Low Medium Sufficient High Excessive
pounds of N-P2O5-K2O per acre
Low 60- 80-80 60- 80-60 60- 80-40 60- 80-0 60- 80-0
Medium 60- 40-80 60- 40-60 60- 40-40 60- 40-0 60- 40-0
Sufficient 60- 20-80 60- 20-60 60- 20-40 60- 20-0 60- 20-0
High 60-   0-80 60- 0-  60 60-  0 -40 60-  0- 0 60-  0- 0
Excessive 60-   0-80 60- 0-  60 60-  0 -40 60-  0- 0 60-  0- 0

COMMENTS (1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 39, 315, 650, 651, 652, 653)
Summer Millet/Sudan

39: Broadcast recommended nitrogen, phosphate and potash fertilizer before growth begins. Apply 60 lbs nitrogen per acre each time forage is grazed or hay is cut.

315 If plants show iron deficiency symptoms (yellow tissue between green veins on upper leaves), apply chelated iron following label directions for the material used, or applya 2% solution of ferrous sulfate including a surfactant applied at a rate of 120 to 180 gallons per acre. Apply the iron-containing solution to the foliage in the late afternoon when the air temperatures are warm and only to plants that are being adequately watered and fertilized. (Recommendation when soil pH is above 6.0)

651 The soil test boron is low, however, this is not a boron sensitive crop, therefore no boron is recommended. (When soil test boron is low)

652 The soil test manganese is low, however, this is not a manganese sensitive crop, therefore no manganese is recommended. (When soil test manganese is low)

653 The soil test zinc is low, however, this is not a zinc sensitive crop, therefore no zinc is recommended. (When soil test zinc is low)

COMMENTS (1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 40, 650, 651, 652, 653)
Winter Rye

40 Broadcast 100 lbs nitrogen per acre at planting and 60 lbs nitrogen per acre in early spring for small grain or ryegrass planted in early September for grazing on fallowed fields.

651 The soil test boron is low, however, this is not a boron sensitive crop, therefore no boron is recommended. (When soil test boron is low)

652 The soil test manganese is low, however, this is not a manganese sensitive crop, therefore no manganese is recommended. (When soil test manganese is low)

653 The soil test zinc is low, however, this is not a zinc sensitive crop, therefore no zinc is recommended. (When soil test zinc is low)