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Water Resources Conference


  • Champion Contributors
    cafls logo

    The Clemson University College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences (CAFLS) embodies founder Thomas Green Clemson's vision of a "high seminary of learning" focused on improving the lives of South Carolinians through education, discovery, and outreach in the agricultural and life sciences. Today CAFLS curricula explore plant, animal, human, molecular, and packaging sciences, and build upon the College's world-class academic, research and Extension activities to produce scientific discoveries of global significance and graduates prepared to be leaders in their chosen fields. CAFLS remains grounded in the fundamental principle that Clemson University is committed by its land-grant legacy to ensure that higher education remains a public good, and that land-grant colleges link their expertise to the needs of the people.

    cafls logo

    Duke Energy is one of the largest electric power holding companies in the United States, supplying and delivering electricity to approximately 7.4 million customers. Our commercial business owns and operates diverse power generation assets in North America, including a portfolio of renewable energy assets.

    Find us on Twitter (@DukeEnergy), Facebook, and YouTube.

  • Benefactor Contributors

    South Carolina Department of Environmental Services

    sc department of environmental services logo


    weasc and scawwa logo

    Supporter Contributors

    • CDM Smith
    • SC Sea Grant Consortium
    • USGS
    • Weston & Sampson
    • Woolpert
    • Xylem
  • Contributor Contacts

    Jeffery Allen
    (864) 646-2145

    Meredith Driver
    (864) 646-2149

Contributor Levels & Benefits

Benefits Under-Writer
Logo on 2 standing premier banners
Logo on opening plenary slides, badge lanyards, and lunch table placards
Sponsorship of reception or plenary session with signage and recognition
Sponsorship of 2 SC environmental nonprofit group representatives
Reserved table for lunch plenary sessions
Recognition on SCWRC website
Full color logo on back cover of Journal of Water Resources
Full color logo in SCWRC program
Registrant emails provided to contributor
Complimentary exhibit booth space
Recognition on conference signage and media releases
Complimentary registrations 8 6 5 3 2
South Carolina Water Resources Center
South Carolina Water Resources Center | 509 Westinghouse Rd, Pendleton, SC 29670