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Office of Animal Resources

GSRC Address

113 Pi Rho Court
Clemson, SC 29634

Phone: 864-656-2168

Godley-Snell Research Center

The Godley Snell Research Center (GSRC) is a 22,000 sq. ft. centralized animal research facility dedicated to bringing investigator led projects to fruition in AAALAC accredited, PHS assured, USDA registered facilities.  GSRC is managed by the Office of Animal Resources and is equipped with state-of-the-art imaging equipment, surgical equipment, and housing for a variety of laboratory animal models.  GSRC is staffed with experienced technicians and veterinarians that provide comprehensive support for research conducted at our facility.


Small animal housing at GSRC includes two suites of individually ventilated isolation cubicles and individually ventilated rack systems.  Large animal housing consists of indoor kennels suitable for rabbits, chickens, goats, swine, and other species as required.

All animal housing areas have centrally controlled temperature, airflow, pressure differentials, and lighting. Environmental parameters are monitored continuously using a cloud-based monitoring system with alarms set to notify staff when parameters are outside of allowable limits.

An extensively equipped surgical and imaging suite are available for internal and external projects.  Experienced technicians are available to assist with the use of all equipment within the facility. 



The Godley Snell Research Center now houses two new pieces of advanced in-vivo imaging equipment, the Quantum GX2 and IVIS Spectrum, to enhance data sets for short term and serial imagining studies. Applicable for both in vivo and ex vivo studies, these scanners are an enormous upgrade to the research center’s imagining capabilities.

collage of images under microscope of different animal species

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Quantum GX2 Micro Computed Tomography Scanner

The Perkin Elmer Quantum GX2 micro computed tomography (micro CT) scanner is a multispecies capable preclinical imaging system, offering the flexibility to effectively conduct short scan time longitudinal in vivo imaging as well as high resolution ex vivo sample scanning.

Key features of the Quantum GX2 include:

  • High resolution (2.3 micrometer voxel size)
  • High-speed (scans as fast as 3.9 seconds), ideal for in-vivo studies
  • Low-dose imaging for longitudinal in vivo studies
  • Four Field of Views (FOVs) – 18, 36, 72, and 86 mm
  • Multispecies imaging capabilities (Zebrafish/mouse/rat/guinea pig/rabbit)
  • Two-phase retrospective respiratory and cardiac gating
  • Seamlessly co-registration of functional optical signals (from IVIS Spectrum) with microCT imaging data

IVIS Spectrum Fluorescence and Bioluminescence Scanner

We have also added the Perkin Elmer IVIS Spectrum in vivo imaging system to the equipment roster.  The IVIS system uses leading 2D and 3D optical tomography that is ideal for non-invasive longitudinal monitoring of disease progression, cell trafficking, and gene expression patterns in living animals.

An optimized set of high efficiency filters and spectral un-mixing algorithms allows researchers to take full advantage of bioluminescent and fluorescent reporters across the blue to near infrared wavelength region. It also offers single-view 3D tomography for both fluorescent and bioluminescent reporters that can be analyzed in an anatomical context or registered with micro CT images.

For advanced fluorescence imaging, the IVIS Spectrum has the capability to use either trans-illumination (from the bottom) or epi-illumination (from the top) to illuminate in vivo fluorescent sources. 3D diffuse fluorescence tomography can be performed to determine source localization and concentration using the combination of structured light and trans illumination fluorescent images. The instrument is equipped with 10 narrow band excitation filters (30nm bandwidth) and 18 narrow band emission filters (20nm bandwidth) that assist in significantly reducing autofluorescence by the spectral scanning of filters and the use of spectral unmixing algorithms. In addition, the spectral unmixing tools allow the researcher to separate signals from multiple fluorescent reporters within the same animal.

Key features of the IVIS Spectrum include:

  • High-sensitivity in vivo imaging of fluorescence and bioluminescence
  • High throughput (5 mice) with 23 cm field of view
  • High resolution (to 20 microns) with 3.9 cm field of view
  • Twenty-eight high efficiency filters spanning 430 – 850 nm
  • Optical switch in the fluorescence illumination path allows reflection-mode or transmission-mode illumination
  • 3D diffuse tomographic reconstruction for both fluorescence and bioluminescence
  • Ability import and automatically co-register micro CT images yielding a functional and anatomical context for your scientific data.

Contact Information

The Godley Snell administrative staff can connect you with an imaging specialist at Perkin Elmer to assist you with scanner settings to collect the most relevant data from your scans.  We also offer basic user training for researchers, graduate students, and laboratory staff.  Please contact GSRC Assistant Director Heather Holliday, for more information. 

GSRC Address

113 Pi Rho Court
Clemson, SC 29634

Phone: 864-656-2168