Register for an Exam
- Accommodated Testing (Student Accessibility Services)
- Contact the Testing Center at
- Group Proctored Exams - contact the UTEC Manager
- Campus Parking Map
Proctored Exam Fees
- Accommodated exams, scheduled through Student Accessibility Services, are proctored free of charge.
- A $10 fee is charged for each Clemson University distance learning course exam, non-accommodated (SAS).
- A $25 fee is charged for all non-university sponsored, distance learning course exams.

UTEC Protocol
UTEC adheres to strict guidelines to secure testing information and preserve academic integrity. As such the UTEC has the following protocols in place:
A valid form of photo identification must be shown upon check-in on test day. Acceptable forms of ID for CU Class exams tests are:
- Clemson ID.
- Current driver’s license.
- State-issued photo ID.
- Passport.
For placement tests, the following forms of ID are also acceptable:
- High School ID.
- Current State or Federal ID Card.
- Tribal ID Card.
- Naturalization card or Certificate of Citizenship.
Restricted Items and Personal Belongings
UTEC strives to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. The following items are prohibited during testing unless authorized by the instructor or test sponsor; however secured lockers and lockable bags are provided, at no charge, to store personal belongings.
- Personal electronic devices such as smart watch, cell phone, iPad, headphone (unless provided by UTEC).
- Hats and outer jackets.
- Bookbags and purses.
- Books, notes.
- Food.
- Beverages other than clear bottled water.

No Guests or Children
The Tester is the only one allowed in the UTEC; no children or guests of the testing candidate are permitted. Children are not allowed to be unattended outside of the UTEC or any other area of the University during testing.
Inclement Weather
In the event of delays and closures due to inclement weather, the UTEC will follow Clemson’s policies and practices.
Academic Integrity
As members of the Clemson University community, we have inherited Thomas Green Clemson's vision of this institution as a "high seminary of learning." Fundamental to this vision is a mutual commitment to truthfulness, honor, and responsibility, without which we cannot earn the trust and respect of others. Furthermore, we recognize that academic dishonesty detracts from the value of a Clemson degree. Therefore, we shall not tolerate lying, cheating or stealing in any form.