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School of Accountancy

Internship and Career Planning

Internships and Co-ops

The School of Accountancy encourages everyone to intern or co-op at least once during their undergraduate program. Internships and co-ops in public accounting are available during the fall, spring and summer semesters. Industry, government and not-for-profit internships are usually summer experiences.

Ideally, students should complete two internships or a co-op experience: one in industry, government or a not-for-profit entity during the summer between their junior and senior years and another in public accounting in the Spring semester of their senior year. These experiences will help you decide whether to begin your professional career in industry, government, not-for-profit or public accounting.

Three hours of internship credit are available through ACCT 3990 or LAW 3990. Students must register for the internship course (ACCT 3990 or LAW 3990) before the last day to add a class for the semester.

Questions about accounting internships and co-ops should be addressed to Amy Littleton, 432 Wilbur O. and Ann Powers Hall, 864-656-3245.

Internship and Co-op Interviews

Companies interviewing for internships usually arrange to interview through the Michelin Career Center. To be considered for an interview, you must attend a career center workshop, publish your resume on ClemsonJobLink and indicate with whom you would like to interview. Internship providers receive your resume from ClemsonJobLink and, from the resumes provided, select the candidates they wish to interview. Please be advised that each interview has deadlines for filing a request to be considered for an interview. For more information, consult the career center website.

Co-op interviews and experiences are coordinated through the Cooperative Education Program in the Center for Career and Professional Development. Normally, co-op students complete two semesters of full-time work with back-to-back rotations or alternating between class and work. For more information, please contact the Co-op Program.

Career Planning

Watch this video about the different degree plans and career paths available with an accounting degree!


Job offers will not come to you unless you prepare and search. Your preparation begins your first year and continues until you receive your degree(s). You are currently "writing" your resume through your selection of coursework, activities and work experience. You want to "write" a resume that will distinguish you, get you noticed by recruiters and bring you interviews. Careers do not happen; they are made!


Career Engagement Resources

The Office of Career and Global Engagement in the Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business offers several resources for students and employers to connect.

School of Accountancy
School of Accountancy | 424 Wilbur O. and Ann Powers Hall, Clemson, S.C. 29634