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Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Undergraduate research at Clemson

Many departments at Clemson have research opportunities available for students during the regular academic year – for some majors, it’s a requirement! Creative inquiry is one way for undergraduate students to gain research experience. Students who participate in undergraduate research receive class credit for their time.  For more information explore the main Creative Inquiry page and the Current Projects page to find a project that interests you, then email the professor to find out how you can join the team.

Clemson Creative Inquiry Home Page

Current Creative Inquiry Projects

Summer Undergraduate Research Programs

Summer programs for undergraduate research, usually known as Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) allow students to spend a summer working in PAID positions on current research in their fields.  REUs can be found all over the country and even internationally.  Participating in an REU can help you decide if you want to go to graduate school, can help you make contacts in your field, and can be a life-changing experience.  Read the attached information on why you want one and how to get one!

A Detailed Explanation of REUs

How to apply for a REU

List of Current Engineering REUs