In August 2023, the Georgia Department of Agriculture reported that a live yellow legged hornet, Vespa velutina, was confirmed in Savannah, GA. The yellow legged hornet (YLH) is a predatory insect that has been reported to attack western honey bees colonies and has become a serious pest of beekeeping operations where it has been introduced. Establishment of this exotic pest in the US poses a significant threat to our already embattled beekeeping enterprises. Clemson University is asking for public assistance with monitoring for and reporting unusual hornet activity, especially around honey bee hives.
YLH website
Cogongrass ( Imperata cylindrica) is an invasive weed that can choke out even the most hardy native plants. The Asian native grass is a federally regulated noxious invasive weed and is considered one of the worst weeds in the world.
Cogongrass website
The Asian longhorned beetle ( Anoplophora glabripennis) feed primarily on maple trees, willows, elms, and birches. The loss of trees to this pest species throughout the country could spell huge economic losses for land and homeowners and the nursery and forest industries.
ALB website
Spotted Lanternfly ( Lycorma delicatula) is a voracious invasive planthopper that feeds on over 100 plant species including fruit, ornamental, and woody trees. SLF was first detected in the U.S. in 2014 in Pennsylvania and has since spread via human travel in all life stages to several surrounding states including North Carolina. Please keep an eye out for SLF in South Carolina.
The management of invasive species is challenging and complicated. I nvasive species prevention is the most effective strategy. Before a pest becomes established , careful monitoring can detect a pest early . Early detection allows for a rapid response from stakeholders who can move to eradicate or control pest infestations, reduc ing environmental and economic impacts. This requires the awareness, participation and support of everyone in South Carolina.
A strong plant pest survey program is an essential tool in protecting South Carolina from biosecurity issues and exotic pest introductions . Invasive species surveys are designed, conducted, and evaluated each year by DPI in partners hip with USDA, APHIS , Clemson Extension, the SC Forestry Commission, and others. Surveys provide valuable pest detection services for the state, the environment, and the public.
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