
Final Exams

Final exams are required for all students in all subjects at the end of the term. An instructor may exempt from the final exam any student having the grade of A on all classwork at the end of the term. Refer to Clemson’s Final Examination policy in the Academic Catalog.

Final exams must be given or due on the dates and at the times published in the final exam schedule, except in labs and one-credit-hour courses where the final exam will be given at the last class meeting.

Students are to be given the entire length of the final exam period (2.5 hours) to complete their work, even if the final exam is designed to be completed in less time. This applies to all final examinations with a time limit, including those given online.

Resolving Final Exam Issues

A student having more than two exams in one calendar day, or two exams at the same time, should contact the instructors no less than one week prior to the last class meeting to reschedule the exam. If a resolution cannot be reached, the instructor of the lower-numbered course(s) must schedule the student's exam at an alternate date. Common exam times may not be rescheduled.

Common Tests

What are Common Tests?

The courses listed below require students in all sections to take tests during a specified common test period—also called common testing hour—approximately three times each term (courses may vary), not including the final examination. Test dates and/or times are subject to change in future terms. Any scheduling conflicts should be resolved between the student and instructor, or the student and department.

Fall Term Common Tests


STAT 2300, 5:30-7pm
STAT 3090, 5:30-7pm
CH 1010, 7:30-9:15pm
CH 1020, 7:30-9:15pm
CH 2230, 7:30-9:15pm
CH 2240, 7:30-9:15pm


ACCT 2010, 7-9pm
ACCT 2020, 7-9pm


MATH 1010,  5:30-7pm
MATH 1020,  5:30-7pm
MATH 1030,  7:30-9pm
MATH 1040,  7:30-9pm
MATH 1060,  7:30-9pm
MATH 1070,  7:30-9pm
MATH 1080,  7:30-9pm
MATH 2070,  5:30-7pm
STAT 2220,  5:30-7pm


PHYS 1220, 7-9pm
PHYS 2210, 8:30-9:30pm
PHYS 2070, 7-9pm
PHYS 2080, 7-9pm

Spring Term Common Tests


STAT 2300, 5:30-7pm
STAT 3090, 5:30-7pm
CH 1010, 7:15-8:45pm
CH 1020, 7:15-8:45pm
CH 2230, 7:15-8:45pm
CH 2240, 7:15-8:45pm


ACCT 2010, 7-9pm
ACCT 2020, 7-9pm


MATH 1010,  7:30-9pm
MATH 1020,  7:30-9pm
MATH 1030,  5:30-7pm
MATH 1040,  5:30-7pm
MATH 1060,  5:30-7pm
MATH 1070,  5:30-7pm
MATH 1080,  5:30-7pm
MATH 2070,  7:30-9pm
STAT 2220, 5:30-7pm


PHYS 1220, 7-9pm
PHYS 2210, 8:30-9:30pm
PHYS 2070, 7-9pm
PHYS 2080, 7-9pm