Architecture (Previously Designing the Built Environment)
Course Description
Do you like to draw, build things with your hands, or imagine how to improve the world around you? If so, you’re perfect for a career in design.
This Summer Scholars course combines the talents of Clemson’s Architecture and Landscape Architecture departments to help you learn how to design the built environment. These two design disciplines, and nationally recognized Clemson majors, are critical for improving how we live today, and ensuring that the cities, towns, and natural environments of tomorrow are healthy and sustainable. As a bonus, students will have the opportunity to study in Lee Hall, a new energy efficient building and one of the best-designed university buildings in the world according to Architectural Digest.
We hope you will come share your creativity and explore design with us!
The theme of Designing the Built Environment is “paths.” Paths are everywhere, comprising a vast, often hidden network of interconnected passages in the natural and built environments. Paths take us on life’s journeys – telling stories and revealing values. Many paths are tangible and easy to see such as streets or trails. However, not all paths are so concrete, some are metaphoric and experiential such as our career path. Thus, the path becomes the portal for exploring the concrete and abstract worlds around us.
During the course we will:
- Tour offices of several professional design firms
- Visit Greenville, named one of the most livable cities in South Carolina
- Sketch and explore design ideas
- Learn about design and building technology
- Learn the process of designing and making architectural models
Course Instructors: