CU Navigate for Students
CU Navigate is a student-centered mobile app that provides you with the support you need, where you need it — on your phone. CU Navigate empowers you with the knowledge that will keep you on a path toward graduation, including up-to-date information on key dates, easy access to campus resources (both academic and student life) and the ability to schedule advising appointments directly.
CU Navigate provides these specific benefits:
Defined paths to college success - CU Navigate curates the information necessary to navigate the college experience into bite-size pieces based on your interests, majors and pathways.
Ongoing responsive guidance - To make the best choices for your academic progress, CU Navigate sends you proactive messages that are personalized, relevant and timely to cut through the information clutter
Automated interventions - If you may face risks from low academic performance, financial issues or poor life balance, CU Navigate automatically alerts you to emerging problems and can escalate the challenge to your advisor if you fail to act as needed.

CU Navigate Quick Start Guide
To get started, please use the CU Navigate Quick Start Guide (PDF).
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