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Accessibility at Clemson University


National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2024

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is an annual campaign in October that aims to raise awareness about employment issues faced by individuals with disabilities while celebrating their diverse contributions to the American workforce.

Dr. Margaret Price

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Margaret Price
Mental Health in Academia:
Its Access, Failures, and Accountability

October 21st 3:00-4:00
Virtual or Hendrix Student Center
Almeda R. Jacks Ballroom A

Join us as Margaret Price, associate professor of English at Ohio State University specializing in disability studies and rhetoric/composition, discusses mental health in academia, its access, failure and accountability, and other highlights from her new book Crip Spacetime.

Register for the virtual event

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Request Accommodations

All speaker sessions will be captioned. If you have additional accommodation needs, please contact Priscilla Harrison ( prior to the start of events you wish to attend. To ensure that we have enough time to implement accommodations, we ask that you reach out at least a week before the event is scheduled to begin.

Clemson NDEAM '24 Events

    Additional Learning Resources

    Video Library

    Recordings of past and present NDEAM events from Clemson University's celebrations of National Disability Employment Awareness Month.


    Explore the collections in the NDEAM book display - featuring recommended readings in Nonfiction and Children & Young Adults categories.

    African American man without both arms, speaking to an audience with a blurry digital display and sign language interpreter in the background
    Accessibility at Clemson University
    Accessibility at Clemson University |