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Office of University Compliance and Ethics

Policy Resources

Policy Approval Workflow

The Policy Program has outlined the current steps a new or revised Administrative Policy needs to take in order to be approved in accordance with the Policy on Policies. It aims to provide a consistent and equitable process that meets the needs of all effected by a policy. The policy program manager should be included in each step of policy development to provide guidance and to ensure timely progress through the workflow.

  • Step 1 - Initiate Policy Creation or Revision

    University department/ division identifies Administrative Policy need and consults with University Policy Program.

    To begin the policy development process the policy owner should submit the Policy Request Form.

    Policy Request Form

  • Step 2 - Drafting and Templating

    Policy partner from responsible department/division utilizes templates and guidance to draft policy.

  • Step 3 - Consultation

    Policy partner seeks consultation from identified stakeholders to include Office of General Counsel.

  • Step 4 - Final Legal Review

    Office of General Counsel provides final legal review.

  • Step 5 - Finalization by Executive Leader

    Responsible Executive reviews and updates final draft.

  • Step 6 - Executive Leadership Team (ELT) Endorsement

    Responsible Executive Leader requests policy review by ELT and the ELT endorses the proposed policy language.

    Prior to sending the policy draft to ELT for review the policy owner is required to submit the Final Policy Submission Form.

  • Step 7 - Approval by University President

    The policy becomes effective upon approval by the President or approval of the future effective date.

  • Step 8 - Communication

    The responsible department and policy program will develop and execute a communication plan.

    Getting policy to YOUR people.

    Don’t let important policy information be buried in an email. The policy program aims to get policies to the people doing the work and who are most impacted by policy and procedural changes. Not all policies have the same impact on all stakeholder groups. But there are policies that have universal importance across our campus. Support the individuals on your teams by helping them stay informed.

    Use the information below to help communicate applicable policies and related information to your constituents.

    As contact for your stakeholder group:

    1. Review the policy and supplemental documents.
    2. Consider how this impacts the work completed by those on your team or in this stakeholder group. If impact is unclear, ask your team or the group if they see overlap.
    3. Tailor your communication to highlight what’s important to them.

    Communication Methods

    1. Discuss policy changes or new policies in regularly scheduled meetings.
      1. If you use an agenda, send it out in advance and ask them to come to the meeting with feedback.
    2. When a policy that impacts your unit is updated or written, schedule a policy review meeting to inform employees in person.
      1. Schedule follow-up individual meetings with employees who cannot attend the initial meeting.
    3. Update employees through your teams chats or SharePoint site. Encourage discussion and feedback.
    4. Post signs in communal areas informing employees and asking them to come to you if they have any questions; use a QR code to send them directly to the policy.
    5. If you already have a regularly scheduled update email, include the new policy or changes and how it will affect them.
    6. Print a memo and distribute it to all employees. (Example template available)
    7. Offer to collect and anonymize feedback to send back to the policy program or policy owner.

    Communication works both ways. The program encourages feedback, and we know that sometimes it’s easier to share feedback with someone on your team rather than directly to the policy owner or the program. Please pass on any feedback you can.

    Sample Email Template
Office of University Compliance and Ethics
Office of University Compliance and Ethics | Policy Program