David A. Conley

Lecturer and Instructor of Tigeroar and Take Note
Department of Performing Arts
Phone: 864-656-1565
Email: conley2@clemson.edu
Music in the Western World
Dr. David Conley is a Lecturer in Performing Arts, where he teaches music courses and directs two choral ensembles that perform popular a cappella music, TakeNote and Tigeroar, which he has led since their creation in 1997. Dr. Conley is also a freelance conductor, clinician, composer and arranger, with hundreds of songs produced for churches, school/college ensembles and community orchestras. He is a frequent speaker at conferences on creativity and the arts in the USA and abroad, leading annual seminar trips to England and Ireland. David is active in the community as well, serving as choir director and lead pianist at Christ Community Church (Presbyterian) in Simpsonville. On the performance side, he plays piano in the jazz/blues band, Sonic Bacon, and various folk instruments in the Celtic ensemble, Emerald Road. He lives near Clemson with his wife, Michelle, and their grown children, Wilson and Elyse. He enjoys travel, reading, sports and all things British!