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College of Arts and Humanities

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Senior Lecturer

Department of English
Office: 507 Strode

Ph.D. Comparative Literature, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (2018); B.A. Comparative Literature, University of Chicago (2009)

Curriculum Vitae


ENGL 2120: World Literature; ENGL 2130: British Literature; ENGL 1030: Rhetoric and Composition

Research Interests
Medieval Romance, Literary Character, Classical Reception, Medievalism in Modern Media

Caitlin G. Watt specializes in medieval French, Latin, and English literature, particularly romance. Her research uses narrative theory and gender studies to explain the characters in medieval romance. Other interests include folkloric and medieval elements in modern media. She has taught classes in medieval and early modern British literature, medieval epics from Europe, Asia, and Africa, and depictions of the medieval period in films and novels. Her current book project examines the construction of fictional worlds through characters in medieval manuscripts.


Selected Professional Works

Books (Published)

The Worlds of John Wick: The Year’s Work at the Continental Hotel, ed. Caitlin G. Watt and Stephen Watt. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2022.

Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Published)

"'As egir as any lyoun': The Ethics of Knight-Horse Relationships in Lybeaus Desconus," Ethics in the Arthurian Legend, ed. Melissa Ridley Elmes and Evelyn Meyer (Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2023), pp. 198-218.

"‘The One You Sent to Kill the Boogeyman’: Folklore and Identity Deconstruction in the John Wick Universe,” Watt and Watt, ed. The Worlds of John Wick: The Year’s Work at the Continental Hotel, pp. 194–215.

"The Disarticulation of Christendom: Dismemberment and Decapitation in Medieval Films," The Year's Work in Medievalism 35.36 (2020-2021): 50-68.

“The Speaking Wound: Gower’s Confessio Amantis and the Ethics of Listening in the #MeToo Era,” Confessions, special issue, ed. Abdulhamit Arvas, Afrodesia McCannon, and Kris Trujillo, postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies 11.2 (2020): 272–81.

“‘Car vallés sui et nient mescine’: Transmasculinity in Le Roman de Silence,” Visions of Medieval Trans Feminism, special issue, ed. Gabrielle M. W. Bychowski and Dorothy Kim, The Medieval Feminist Forum 55.1 (2019): 135–173.

“Droit and Engin: Mesencius and Drances as Feudal Counselors in Le Roman d’Eneas,” Neophilologus 102.3 (2018): 317–35.

“Nugae Theatri: Comedic Borrowings in the 1533 Edition of Erasmus’s Adages,” Erasmus Studies 38.2 (2018): 200–218.

College of Arts and Humanities
College of Arts and Humanities | 108 Strode Tower, Clemson, SC 29634