Indira Lessington

Ph.D. Student
Department of History
MA, University of North Carolina-Greensboro (2024); BA, Claflin University (2021)
Research Interests
Africa, 1500-1850; United States 1850-77;African American; Public History; Digital History; Slavery; Women ;Education
Indira Lessington is pursuing her Ph.D. in Digital History at Clemson University. She holds an M.A. in History from the University of North Carolina—Greensboro with a concentration in Museum Studies. Her research is dedicated to interpreting the cross-cultural relations between Charleston, SC, and West Africa. Beyond her academic pursuits, Indira is indebted and committed to the practice of public history. She actively participates in interpreting narratives and preserving the stories of those who have written them. Presently, she serves as a Graduate Research Assistant at Clemson University to University Historian Dr. Otis Pickett. In this capacity, her focus revolves around the work of her digital exhibition entitled, The Black Architects of Reform: Brown, Burroughs, & Bethune, becoming a teaching resource for institutions and schools, will soon tie into the work being completed at The Bertha Strickland Museum, offering stories of African Americans who have ties to Clemson University.