Mónica M. Rojas de Massei, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Spanish
Department of Languages
Office: 503 Strode
Email: mmassei@clemson.edu
Ph.D., University of Iowa
Dr. Mónica Rojas de Massei was born in Córdoba, Argentina. She obtained her Ph.D from the University of Iowa. She worked as an educator the major part of her life. In the United States, she taught for University of Iowa, Middlebury College and the University of Wisconsin. Her field of expertise is Hispanic Drama and Historical Novels. Dr. Massei is the Director of Clemson University Córdoba Center in Córdoba, Argentina.
Areas of Research
Hispanic drama; Pedagogical uses of theater in L2 classrooms; Cultural studies; Creative writing
Selected Professional Works
Books (Published)
Los escenarios de la memoria en el teatro español contemporáneo. Madrid: Editorial Pliegos, 2006.
Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Published)
Cuerpo deseante, poder político en Flor de otoño de José María Rodríguez Méndez. Letras Peninsulares 17, 2005.
La literatura fantástica y la voz femenina en el motivo del gólem en Omar amor de Cristina Fernández Cubas. Hispanic Journal 25, 2004.