Kelly C. Smith

Professor of Philosophy & Biological Sciences
Department of Philosophy and Religion
Office: Hardin 208
Phone: 864-650-1093
Ph.D., Duke University; M.S. in Zoology (Evolutionary Genetics), Duke University
Kelly received his M.S. in Biology from Duke University in 1992, followed by his Ph.D. in Philosophy in 1994. Kelly’s research is wide ranging and includes work on philosophical issues surrounding the search for life on other planets, the concept of “genetic disease,” the relationship between religious faith and scientific reasoning, ethical implications of new technologies, complex systems in developmental and evolutionary biology, and the origins and nature of life. See his research page here: His regular teaching rotation currently includes Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL 1010), Logic (PHIL 1020), and a seminar on Kant (PHIL 4020). He occasionally teaches other courses such as Environmental Ethics (PHIL 345), Evolution and Creation (PHIL 2100), Science and Values (PHIL 3260), Philosophy and Biology (PHIL/BIOSC 485/685), and Calhoun Honors seminars such as The Lure and Fear of Biotechnology (CHS 2030).