Welcome to the SCEIC!
The South Carolina Educational Interpreting Center (SCEIC) is proud to continue its partnership between Clemson University and the South Carolina Department of Education from 2021-2026! South Carolina guidance defines an educational interpreter, regardless of assigned job title, any individual who provides access to the school curriculum and environment by transferring meaning between languages in a PreK–12 educational setting for Deaf students.
In an effort to pursue our vision for every Deaf student to have equitable access to the entire school experience through highly qualified educational interpreters, the SCEIC officially launched in 2016 and is pleased to be able to continue to offer national testing, professional development, mentoring, and technical assistance.
What We Do
In keeping with its mission to equip educational interpreters with the means to improve their interpreting skill set, the South Carolina Educational Interpreting Center provides:
- Educational interpreting skills assessment
- Educational interpreting knowledge assessment
- Targeted professional development opportunities
- Diagnostic and mentoring services
- General support and advocacy on behalf of educational interpreters and Deaf students
Services We Provide
New Educational Interpreters
Pre-Hire Screening sfitzma@clemson.edu
Orange Educational Interpreters (Scores <3.0)
*Should not be employed*
Green Educational Interpreters (Scores 3.0-3.5)
Blue Educational Interpreters (Scores 3.5-3.9)
Purple Highly Qualified Educational Interpreters (Scores 4.0+)

Director of Special Education Services South Carolina Department of Education
"The Office of Special Education Services at the South Carolina Department of Education is excited to continue our partnership with the Interpreting Center. This ensures that all students who are deaf have equitable access to the school setting, including instruction as well as extracurricular services, through highly qualified educational interpreters."
Deputy Superintendent Division of Federal Programs, Accountability and School Improvement South Carolina Department of Education
"We want to ensure our children get the best interpreting services possible so they are successful in school and in life."

Dean, College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities Clemson University
"We are immensely grateful to the Department of Education for renewing their support of this program. The SCEIC allows Clemson faculty and staff to expand their impact to K-12 schools across the state, which is a crucial part of our mission as a land-grant institution."