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Staff Senate

Election Information

Get Involved - Become a Staff Senator!

We are looking for colleagues who want to be a voice for others in their area and who want a better understanding of how our University works. A Senator has the opportunity to be a listener and advocate. They will get a better understanding of how decisions are made and meet the University decision-makers. They will be collaborators in Senate initiatives and network with colleagues at Senate events.

Senators interact with staff from across campus, as well as faculty, administrators and representatives from all University areas. They receive first-hand knowledge about the policies and pending changes affecting campus. They represent their co-workers and address the needs of their constituents with other Senators. It’s an exciting and fun way to give back and get involved!

Attendance Record of Staff Senators

Being a representative of staff and serving on the Staff Senate is a responsibility that our Senators take seriously. Attendance records for regular staff meetings and committee meetings are kept for all current Senators and updated regularly. Read more about our attendance requirements on our Bylaws page.

Upcoming Election Details

The Staff Senate has representation in each budget center in the University based on overall budget center population. Listed below are the budget centers we anticipate we will be accepting nominations for vacant Senate seats for the 2025-2028 term. More information will be sent to budget centers in early 2025 about the nomination process.

  • B001 - PSA
  • B003 - Provost
  • B004 - CAFLS
  • B005 - AAH
  • B011/B012/B027/B030 - Pres / BOT / General Council / Institutional Excellence
  • B015/B023 - Research / Economic Development
  • B016 - Advancement
  • B017 - Facilities
  • B024 - College of Education
  • B028 - Inclusion & Equity
  • B029 - Restoration Institute (CURI)
  • B031 - College of Veterinary Medicine

Additional Election Information

  • A new Senator’s term begins at the May meeting and continues for three years.

  • Senators attend monthly Staff Senate meetings on the second Thursday of each month at the Student Union and on Zoom.

  • All Senators also serve on a Senate committee, which meets monthly (schedules vary by committee).

  • In addition, they may volunteer and/or be appointed to serve on a University committee; if selected, they represent the interests of the Staff Senate and provide a meeting report regarding the committee’s activities.

  • There are lots of fund-raising and social activities to attend and support.

  • More information about a Senator’s duties can be found in the Staff Senate Bylaws.

We invite you to contact any Senator with questions you may have about the duties and responsibilities of a Staff Senator. If you have questions about the election process, please contact Erin Fall in the Staff Senate office or call 656-9000.

Election Procedures (Appendix B)

Officer Elections

  • December/January

    Prior to the Winter Break in December, the Program Coordinator or Chair of the Membership Committee shall send out an email to all Senators announcing that the officer elections process will begin in January. This email shall contain all relevant information pertaining to each office. During December and January, but before the January Full Senate meeting, the Membership Committee, President and Program Coordinator will edit the officer nomination form for content and updates as necessary.

    Officer elections will formally be open to accepting nominations after the January Full Senate meeting. The Program Coordinator will ensure all Senators have access to all officer nomination forms.

  • February

    Officer nomination forms will be due the Friday before the February Full Senate meeting to allow candidates to speak at the February meeting. The Program Coordinator will send election ballots to all Senators following the February Full Senate meeting. Ballots shall be electronic except where a Senator has expressed a preference for an alternative balloting method. Ballots will be open until the Wednesday following the February Full Senate meeting. The Membership Committee will convene the day after balloting ends to certify the results. The President will contact all officer nominees and notify them of outcome of their nomination starting the day following election certification. Once all nominees have been contacted, the President shall send an email to all Senators notifying them of the election results.

  • March

    New officers will be publicly announced at the March Full Senate meeting.

Budget Center Elections

  • December/January

    The Program Coordinator should work with the Membership committee to identify and send emails to Senators who are in their final year of service. Senators who are at the end of their second term, should be notified of the bylaw stipulations on running for an additional term. Senators in their first term should be notified that they are eligible to run for re-election to their Senate seat.

    The Program Coordinator and Membership committee shall work together to edit content and update Budget Center nomination forms for each area.

  • February

    Information pertaining to Budget Center elections should be included in the February Senate newsletter as well as appropriate University-wide publications (such as OURClemson.) Budget Center elections will be formally announced at the February Full Senate meeting. Articles should appear in publications prior to the formal announcement at the Full Senate meeting. Exact dates for nomination period and any necessary elections should be communicated through all avenues.

    Ten days1 following the Full Senate meeting, the Program Coordinator will send a call for nominations email to each Budget Center with open seats. The email will contain the nomination form, information about deadlines, and a link to the Senate webpage providing additional information about Senator duties.

  • March

    Candidate nomination forms will be due at least one week before the March Full Senate meeting. On the Monday before the Full Senate meeting, links to electronic ballots shall be sent out via email to all Budget Centers eligible for elections2. Language will be included in the email to indicate that anyone needing accessibility accommodations should reach out to the Program Coordinator to cast their vote via an alternate method. Ballots shall close the Wednesday following the Full Senate meeting.

    The Membership committee will convene to certify Budget Center election results one day after the ballots close. The Membership Chair and Vice President will identify any vacant seats and evaluate opportunities for At-large Senators to serve. The Program Coordinator will notify all candidates of the outcome of their nomination. New Senators will be invited to the Awards Luncheon and New Senator Orientation.

  • April

    At the discretion of the Membership committee and Vice President, New Senator Orientation will occur just before or just after the Awards Luncheon. Following Orientation, the Committee Selection Survey will be sent to all returning and new Senators. The survey shall remain open for two weeks.

    At-large Senator candidates will be presented at the April Executive Meeting. Executive Committee will vote on the slate and determine the term length for each approved At-large Senator. The Membership Chair or President shall notify each At-large candidate of the Executive committee’s decision.

    Following the April Full Senate meeting and New Senator Orientation, the Program Coordinator will send emails to each Budget Center announcing the names and contact information of each of the area’s Senator(s) for the new term.

  • May

    At the May Executive committee meeting, the Executive officers shall review the compiled results of the Committee Selection Survey. First priority shall be given to returning Senators. All new Senators shall receive their first choice if there are seats open in that committee. If there are no seats available, they will be placed in either their second or third choice committee. All committee Chairs must be in agreement about the members on each committee. Once committee members are finalized, each Chair will reach out to their full committee to introduce themselves and set the meeting date for the first committee meeting.

    New members will attend their first Senate meeting as Senators in May.

    The Program Coordinator will update the Senate roster, listservs, Box permissions, and website with current Senator information (removing retired Senator information.) They will also update the Officer and Chair listings on the Senate website.

1The timing of this gives the Membership committee and President time to ballot for Officer elections and contact winners.

2Elections shall take place if more than one eligible candidate is nominated per Senate seat.

Appendix B - Revised January 4, 2023