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Staff Senate

Employee Emergency Fund

The Employee Emergency Fund is a program to assist employees who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of unexpected, unforeseen, and unavoidable circumstances. So that your application can be evaluated as fully and quickly as possible, please provide as much detail as possible when answering the questions on this application. Failure to fully answer the questions may lead to approval of your application being delayed or your application being denied. Due to the large-scale impacts of Hurricane Helene, the Employee Emergency Fund is currently receiving an unprecedented number of grant requests. We appreciate your patience as we work to address all requests. 

How is the Money Raised?

In the true spirit of giving, 100 Clemson staff and faculty members donated $14,786 to benefit the Employee Emergency Fund in the 12-day "Battle of the Senates" challenge. Staff pulled ahead to win in the final two days.

Donate to the Employee Emergency Fund

"Staff Senate was thrilled to hear the results of the 'Battle of the Senates' 12-day giving campaign for the Employee Emergency Fund," said 2023 Staff Senate President, Jake Anderson. "In a time of need, Clemson staff and faculty joined together in friendly competition and breathed life into this fund. Staff Senate remains steadfast in our commitment to advocate for and promote resources that staff members need to flourish in their positions at the University."

Thank you to all who gave to help our colleagues in need—and don't forget, you can donate or apply to the Employee Emergency Fund any time of year!

How to Apply

To apply, please click the button and complete our short application form. The form verifies your Clemson employee status and contains space to explain your reason for this request. Please provide as much detail as possible when answering the questions on this application.

Complete the Application

Before applying, employees should be aware of the following:

  • Funding is not guaranteed.
  • Applicants will receive notification of the outcome of their application within two weeks of the date of their application.
  • Awarded funds are not a replacement of lost wages.
  • Employees may receive a maximum of $500 in a 365-day period. (Please note: approved grants in the months of December and June/July are subject to delays due to end-of-year or fiscal year close-outs.)
  • Employees must document on their application all expenses for which they will use the funds. Eligible expenses include food, rent/mortgage, health care, dependent care, and home repairs. Other expenses may be considered.
  • Employees of a third-party contractor who provides services to Clemson University are not eligible.
  • Individuals who are classified as student employees (graduate or undergraduate) are not eligible for this fund and should apply for assistance through the Student Emergency Fund.

Please be assured that all personal information provided on applications will be treated with the highest level of confidentiality.

If you have questions or need assistance with completing the application, send a text to 864-656-2000 or contact ASK-HR.