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Student Financial Aid

Information for Faculty and Registration Coordinators

Participation Confirmation allows Clemson University to confirm the participation of each enrolled student in each course at the beginning of the term or part of term.

Instructors will be responsible for indicating if a student has participated in their class at least one day before the last day to drop a class or withdraw from the University without a W grade.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have put together a list of frequently asked Participation Confirmation questions, but this section may not cover every scenario.

  • How do faculty confirm participation?

    Faculty will use the Participation module in Faculty Self-Service to indicate if a student has participated in the class at least one day, to be reported before or on the last day to drop a class or withdraw from the University without a W. For asynchronous online classes and courses that do not have a standard meeting time, this may require the addition of an activity to demonstrate participation beyond simply logging in. 

    View our Participation Confirmation training for step-by-step instructions. 

  • How do I handle participation confirmation for an online course, study abroad, internship, co-op or independent study course?

    Instructors will indicate student participation in the same manner as described above, and it is up to the instructor to confirm participation through engagement in an academically related activity, including:

    • Attending a synchronous class or lab, physically or online, where there is an opportunity for interaction between the instructor and students;
    • Submitting an assignment;
    • Taking a quiz, test, or exam;
    • Participating in an assigned study group, interactive tutorial, or online discussion; or
    • Interacting with the instructor about academic matters related to the course subject.

    Participation does NOT include:

    • Living in institutional housing;
    • Using a meal plan or swiping an ID card;
    • Logging into an online class without further participation; or
    • Participating in academic advising or counseling.
  • What do I do for students who drop the course after participation has been confirmed?

    If the student has withdrawn from the University, no further action is required.

    If the withdrawal from the course is backdated before the participation confirmation freeze date, the student could lose partial aid eligibility.