Preparing for Your Experience
All students who are participating in an education abroad experience are required to attend a mandatory pre-departure orientation session (offered each semester). In addition, our office can put you in contact with education abroad alumni to learn more about their experiences. We will work with you to make sure you feel prepared.
Clemson Enrollment While Abroad
While abroad, students will maintain their Clemson enrollment by being enrolled in a zero-credit hour course. Enrollment ensures that students remain in an active status at Clemson and allows for a seamless return to Clemson after their experience. The course prefixes vary by program type and include CAP, SAP and TSAP. Students will be enrolled in the appropriate course by the Pam Hendrix Center for Education Abroad.
Students who are participating in faculty-directed programs will be registered in Clemson courses in addition to the zero-credit hour course mentioned above.
Alert Traveler
AlertTraveler is a mobile application for iOS and Android devices that the Pam Hendrix Center for Education Abroad utilizes to provide you with country and city intelligence to help you make informed decisions while traveling. It provides safety and security alerts to let you know of any events that could potentially impact your travel or safety. An instant check-in option allows you to report your status back to our staff in case of an incident. To target these alerts to your location and interests, AlertTraveler uses GPS and the travel itinerary associated with your study abroad application. Please note downloading and activation are required.
At your mandatory pre-departure orientation, students will be given instructions on utilizing AlertTraveler.
How Camelia Williams prepared for the experience
“Preparing to go abroad is not as scary as it sounds! I used the internet to my advantage to figure out what I should pack (travel backpack for weekend trips, adapters, clothes, etc) and researched a little bit about what to expect from where I studied. My study abroad advisors also were extremely helpful to answer questions about when to book flights, how much to pack, etc. They know a lot about travel so if you have questions talk to your study abroad advisor!”

Preparation tips from Sidney Smith
“I prepared for my trip to South Korea by talking to friends and family who have traveled internationally about tips and travel recommendations! This got me feeling really excited. I also learned how to say a few practical words and phrases, made sure my bank knew I was leaving, and worked ahead on any assignments due during the trip.”