The Clemson University Invasive Species Program (CUISP) supports Clemson’s Division of Regulatory and Public Service Program’s Department of Plant Industry (DPI) in its mission to protect South Carolina's agricultural and natural resources from the introduction and spread of invasive species and to enhance the efficiency of South Carolina's agriculture. CUISP ensures that new introductions of harmful plant pests are detected as soon as possible, before they have a chance to cause significant damage. A strong plant pest survey program is an essential tool in protecting South Carolina from biosecurity issues and exotic pest introductions through pathways as varied as natural pest movement, commerce, smuggling, and intentional introductions.
Invasive species surveys are designed, conducted, and evaluated each year by DPI management, CUISP program staff and plant protection inspectors according to recognized scientific guidelines and regulated plant pest lists. Surveys range from inspecting for a single weed in remote locations to placing traps in urban settings for multiple insect pests. CUISP partners with Clemson Extension, the SC Forestry Commission, the SC Department of Natural Resources and the US Department of Agriculture to provide these important pest detection services for the state, the environment and the public.
- Apiary Inspection Program
- Ornamental Cotton
- Invasive Species
- Nursery and Dealer Licensing Program
- Organic Certification
- Staff
- State Quarantines
- Bradford Pear and Elaeagnus
- Frequently Asked Questions
Matt Howle
Interim State Survey Coordinator
Survey Specialist
Fax: 864.646.2178