Current and Pending and Biosketch Disclosures
Effective January 30, 2023, federal agencies are implementing new requirements for what types of support and affiliations must be disclosed on the current and pending document and the biosketch submitted with all applications for funding. The National Science Foundation (NSF) has outlined its approach (details below). Other agencies may include these new requirements in solicitations, as well, and this webpage will be updated when additional information becomes available.
The webinar at right, provided in January 2023, outlines disclosure requirements. Additional details, including information provided by agencies in this matter to date, are included below.
Agency Requirements
Agencies are making the following changes to reflect guidance outlined in National Security Presidential Memo 33 (NSPM-33):
- Expanding the types of information that must be disclosed on current and pending/other support and biosketch documents;
- Requiring investigator certification of the accuracy and completeness of this information; and
- Standardizing the reporting forms.
A table entitled NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance Pre- and Post-Award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support lists the types of support and information that must be disclosed. Investigators must disclose all sources of support received through their primary appointments at Clemson, and any support they receive directly from a source outside of Clemson. Consulting activities approved through Clemson do not need to be disclosed. Federal agencies and Clemson University strongly encourage the use of Science Experts Network and Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) and Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) to prepare these documents.
National Science Foundation
NSF will require use of SciENcv and ORCID beginning October 23, 2023.