Undergraduate Emphasis Areas
Students working toward bachelor of science degrees are expected to select areas of emphasis. This selection should be made no later than the spring semester of the sophomore year; until a student has declared an emphasis area, the student are considered “undeclared” and are assigned to general academic advisers within the school. Questions? Contact the undergraduate coordinator.
Emphasis Areas
Emphasis in Abstract Mathematics
The abstract mathematics option places a strong emphasis on core and advanced mathematics courses such as real and complex analysis, number theory, abstract algebra, topology and combinatorics. Students from this emphasis area are encouraged to participate in undergraduate research, including funded summer research experiences for undergraduates. Industrial opportunities particularly well-suited to this emphasis area include jobs in communications, coding theory, cryptography, and national security. Pure mathematics is the backbone of the sciences and many students in this emphasis area tailor their senior-level course selections to provide a strong preparation for graduate studies in mathematics or related disciplines.
Emphasis in Applied and Computational Mathematics
This emphasis area focuses on modeling real-world problems, which includes generating systems of equations that model (describe) the problem, and also solving such systems with state-of-the-art techniques. Application areas abound and include, for example, solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, geology, biology, large scale computing and even finance. Many of the applications from this area involve using numerical techniques to solve differential equations and large systems of (sometimes nonlinear) equations. Students select an application area in consultation with their academic adviser, then tailor their coursework to explore the mathematics of that application area. Students from this emphasis area often participate in one or more funded summer research experiences for undergraduates. Graduates find employment throughout both government and private sector jobs, and many go on to pursue graduate degrees in applied and/or computational mathematics and computational science.
Biology Concentration
The biology concentration is designed specifically to prepare students for success in medical school and in combined Ph.D./M.D. programs. The curriculum was developed to promote strong quantitative and reasoning skills, along with the scientific literacy necessary to succeed in medical professions and research. It is recommended that students intending to complete the biology concentration in four years start their concentration coursework as freshmen.
Emphasis in Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics
This emphasis area centers around the identification, quantification, and mitigation of risk in both insurance and banking. Students who intend to become actuaries can complete the coursework to earn three validation through educational experience exam credits. Optional coursework prepares them for an additional two actuarial exams. Students in this emphasis area often complete one or more paid internships before graduation. Industry jobs are typically in insurance or finance, but students completing this emphasis area are also well-prepared for graduate school in applied and financial mathematics. Students planning to complete this emphasis area should pay careful attention to specific course selection for general education requirements.
- Learn more about the actuarial science program
- View in course catalog
- Actuarial science and financial mathematics emphasis course flow chart (PDF)
Emphasis in Computer Science
Students in this area earn a minor in computer science, and many choose to complete a full dual degree. The specific coursework in computer science can be tailored to support the mathematical interests of the student. Paid summer research experiences and internships are both available, and jobs that naturally result include not only information technology, but also analytic positions in nearly every industry. Students completing the emphasis in computer science are well-prepared to pursue graduate studies in mathematics, applied mathematics, and computer science.
Emphasis in Operations Research and Management Science
This area involves building mathematical models that are used to decide, when faced with a complicated decision problem, what is the best solution among all feasible solutions. Operations research is used to solve quantitative problems arising in business, industry, government and even sports: Several recent majors have tailored this emphasis area into a study of sports analytics. Students from this emphasis area frequently participate in one or more funded summer research experiences for undergraduates. Paid summer and academic-year internships are also a popular choice. Jobs for graduates include not only industrial and sports analysis positions, but also planning and operations positions in both the government and private sector. Students from this emphasis area also frequently go on to graduate school in applied mathematics.
Emphasis in Statistics
Statistics has been described as the science of extracting information from data and measuring the associated uncertainty. In this emphasis area, students learn both the theoretical foundations and also the applications of statistics to diverse areas such as epidemiology, finance, climate science, genetics, politics, and the social sciences. Students in this emphasis area often find funded opportunities for both summer research and internships. Jobs arising naturally from an emphasis in statistics include analysis positions in both government and the private sector. Common employers include the U.S. Census Bureau, Food and Drug Administration, pharmaceutical companies, financial institutions and research labs. Many students also go on to graduate studies in mathematics and statistics.