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Award Descriptions & Nomination Form

CAFLS undergraduate and graduate students who are currently enrolled are eligible for the awards listed below.


Graduate Student nominations must be received by January 20, 2025 @ 4:30pm. Undergraduate Student nominations must be received by January 29, 2025 @ 4:30pm.

Questions: AnnMarie Chrestman,

Award Descriptions and Nomination Requirements


  • Graduate Student Awards

    These awards recognize outstanding contributions of graduate students to teaching or research at Clemson University. Up to two teaching and two research awards will be given. Graduate Teaching Award winners will be encouraged and supported to submit for the NACTA Graduate Student Teaching Award for the following year.


    The awards are limited to currently enrolled graduate students who have been employed by Clemson as a paid teaching or research assistant during at least one semester in the last academic year.

    Nomination Requirements and Procedure

    Students may be nominated by faculty, staff, other students or self by completing an award nomination form and submitting the materials specified.

    Required Materials for Teaching Nomination:

    • Nominee’s First & Last Name, Work Address, Email, Position Title, Department/Unit
    • Nominee’s Supervisor First & Last Name, Email
    • Summary describing the highlights, achievements, and accomplishments to be used at the awards ceremony, website, etc. (250 word maximum)
    • Written justification in support of nomination (2-page limit)
    • Two additional supporting letters from students; at least one student letter of reference must be from a student directly served by the nominee (e.g., class, lab, etc.)
    • Teaching philosophy statement from nominee.
    • Statement of improvement/deficiencies that the nominee has realized through teaching.

    Required Materials for Research Nomination:

    • Nominee’s First & Last Name, Work Address, Email, Position Title, Department/Unit
    • Nominee’s Supervisor First & Last Name, Email
    • Summary describing the highlights, achievements, and accomplishments to be used at the awards ceremony, website, etc. (250 word maximum)
    • Written justification in support of nomination (2-page limit)
    • Current CV for the nominee

    Optional Materials:

    • Additional Support Letter (1-page limit each)

    Selection Procedure

    A review committee consisting of the CAFLS Graduate Program Coordinators from each academic department will screen nominees and make recommendations to the CAFLS Dean.

  • Undergraduate Student Awards

    These awards recognize outstanding contributions of undergraduate students in leadership, scholarship, and service to the CAFLS community at Clemson University. One award will be given in each category. All nominees must be undergraduate students enrolled in a degree program in the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences. Specific eligibility requirements are listed under each award.

    Outstanding Freshman/Sophomore/Junior/Senior*

    *Academic class is determined by credit hours in iRoar

    Recognizes the most outstanding overall student in each academic class within CAFLS. Students should exhibit the three pillars of academic achievement, leadership and inclusion/respect.

    • Academic Achievement- excels academically, demonstrates remarkable consistency and growth, motivates themselves and others, and genuinely celebrates learning in all aspects to its fullest.
    • Leadership- involved in one or more activities on campus and extends their involvement beyond the campus and into the community. Portrays strong leadership characteristics, serves as a role model for the student body by volunteering, participating in events, reaching out to fellow students, and portraying an overall positive attitude.
    • Community & Belonging- displays an understanding and appreciation of civic responsibility, and the role they play in ensuring fellow students feel welcome in the larger Clemson community. Exemplifies the ideal of campus inclusion through their actions, affiliation with organizations that promote inclusive excellence, and/or contribution to events promoting the inclusion of all.

    Outstanding Ambassador

    This award recognizes the CAFLS Ambassador who goes above and beyond volunteering and participating in events, represents the college with a high level of professionalism, portrays strong leadership characteristics and an overall positive attitude.

    Blue Key Academic & Leadership Award

    Will be awarded to one outstanding student from each college. Each recipient of this award shall demonstrate a record of scholarship and leadership excellence, have a minimum cumulative grade point ratio of 3.0, exhibit special leadership abilities within an academic department as well as throughout the University, be a junior or senior currently enrolled as a full-time student in good standing and shall be a person of good moral standing, good citizenship and high integrity.

    Phi Kappa Phi Merit Award

    Phi Kappa Phi will provide one Award of Merit for each college given to a graduating senior with a GPA or 3.4 or above that is voted on by the faculty. The awarded student should have made noteworthy contributions in areas like leadership, service and creative endeavors to his/her department, college, and Clemson University. A $100 monetary award is given with a certificate. The Clemson PKP chapter will pay $100 for one student per college. 

    Nomination Requirements and Procedure

    Students may be nominated by faculty, staff, other students or self by completing an award nomination form and submitting the materials specified.

    Required Materials for Nominations:

    • Nominee’s First & Last Name, Email, and Major
    • Written justification to explain why the student is being nominated for the award and how they meet the qualifications. This text will also be used at the awards ceremony, website, etc. (500 word maximum)
    • Nominee’s resume (PDF format)

    Optional Materials:

    • Additional Support Letters (1-page limit each)

    Selection Procedure

    A review committee from each academic department will screen nominees and make recommendations to the CAFLS Dean.

  • Outstanding Student Club/Organization

    Recognizes the group with the most positive contributions to the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences (CAFLS) in the past year. The club will have gone above and beyond to reach new students, create events, and make CAFLS a better place. Nominations must include 2 descriptions of innovative ideas, how the organization has improved, how the organization has responded to the needs of the community, or any outstanding events, programs, speakers, services, etc. 


    Undergraduate or Graduate Student Organizations associated with CAFLS are eligible for this award.

    Nomination Requirements and Procedure

    Students may be nominated by faculty, staff, other students or self by completing an award nomination form and submitting the materials specified.

    Required Materials for Nominations:

    • Club/Organization Name
    • Club/Organization President First and Last Name and email
    • Club/Organization Advisor First and Last Name and email
    • Written justification to explain why the club/organization is being nominated for the award and how they meet the qualifications. Include 2 descriptions of innovative ideas, how the organization has improved, how the organization has responded to the needs of the community, or any outstanding events, programs, speakers, services, etc. This text will also be used at the awards ceremony, website, etc. (500 word maximum)

    Optional Materials:

    • Additional Support Letters (1-page limit each)

    Selection Procedure

    A review committee from each academic department will screen nominees and make recommendations to the CAFLS Dean.

College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences |