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Forestry and Environmental Conservation


Advisors primarily serve as a resource connection point to assist students as they maintain timely degree progress, explore support services at the University, plan for career or graduate school goals, etc.

It is the student's responsibility to ensure that all degree requirements (necessary classes, prerequisites, hours, GPA) have been met. Asking questions and frequently reviewing your DegreeWorks audit are important aspects of navigating your student advising experience at Clemson.

Be an active participant in the advising experience. Although your advisor is available to assist you as you work towards completing the requirements for your degree, this is your education, and you should be knowledgeable about the requirements for your major.

  • How do I know who my advisor is?

    If you are unsure of who your advisor is, you can look on your Degree Works page, found on iRoar, or contact the FEC Student Services Manager.

  • How do I prepare for pre-registration advising?

    Currently enrolled FEC students will receive an email from their academic advisor about 6 weeks before registration informing them to schedule an advising appointment. Students must have a pre-registration appointment, where they will receive a required pin number that will allow them to register for courses.

    1. Review Degree requirements
      1. To check your progress toward a degree, please use the Degree Works tool.
      2. Make a list of classes you would like to take in the upcoming semester.
    2. Schedule an appointment
      1. Look for an email from your advisor on how to schedule your pre-resgistration advising appointment. 
    3. Attend your scheduled pre-registration advising appointment.
      1. Be sure to bring your course list with you. 
  • How do I change my major?

    If you wish to change your major, you are strongly encouraged to speak with your advisor first. If you decide to formally change your major, you will need to contact your intended major to ensure they are accepting new students. If they are, you may then fill out a Change of Program request by going to iRoar>Student>Student Records>Change of Program.

  • How do I add a minor or concentration?

    If you wish to add a minor, change a minor, add a concentration/emphasis area, or change a concentration/emphasis area, fill out a Change of Program request by going to iRoar>Student>Student Records>Change of Program.

  • How do I request a course substitution?

    Substitutions may be requested by going to iRoar>Student>Student Records>Request Substitution for Academic Requirement. The request will go to your advisor, who may request additional information or supporting documents. Step-by-step instructions can be found at:

    Submitting A Course Substitution
  • How do I take courses at another school?

    Students should discuss courses they plan to take at another school with their advisor and ensure CU course equivalency using the TCEL, then review and complete the Approval of Credits to be Earned at Another School form (PDF) prior to taking the course(s). Your advisor’s signature is required on the form; once it is completed, the student will need to email the form to and copy their advisor on the email.

  • How do I request Academic Forgiveness?

    You cannot receive academic forgiveness for a course until a final grade has posted. After grades have posted, you may request academic forgiveness through iROAR. Although academic forgiveness removes the effect of a D or F from your GPA, the original grade will remain on your academic transcript. Academic forgiveness can have an impact on financial aid, and it is recommended that you consult with the financial aid office in Sikes Hall G01; email

    It is recommended that you talk with your advisor before requesting academic forgiveness.

    Watch a video about requesting academic forgiveness
  • How do I drop/add classes?

    You can drop and add classes through iRoar.

    Watch a video on how to drop/add classes
  • How do I receive credit for an internship related to my major?

    Internships are a great way to gain valuable field experience.

    If you would like for your internship to be considered for credit (FNR 4900), the following are required:

    • 6- to 12-week internship in natural resources
    • Minimum of 165 hours of supervised work
    • Students must be supervised and have defined responsibilities related to their major
    • The instructor, student and supervisor all sign the Internship Program Agreement form BEFORE the internship begins

    For more information about internships and course credit, please contact the Departmental Internship Instructor for FNR 4900 or ask your advisor.

  • How do I learn more about Study Abroad opportunities?

    Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience for any student. It's a chance to explore new cultures, new academic interests, and gain global perspective – while earning credit towards your degree. For more information about Study Abroad, please make an appointment with the CAFLS Study Abroad Coordinator.

    Make An Appointment

    Once on this page, select "I'm Interested" to schedule an appointment or to locate contact information.

Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation
Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation | 261 Lehotsky Hall Box 3403317 Clemson, SC