Lucian Ghita

Senior Lecturer
Department of English
Office: 615 Strode
ABD Ph.D. Comparative Literature, Yale University; M.Phil. Comparative Literature, Yale University; M.A. Culture of the European Renaissance, University of Warwick; M.A. American Studies, University of Bucharest, Romania; B.A. English and Romanian, University of Craiova, Romania
Shakespeare and Early Modern Drama, Theatre History, Postcolonial and World Literatures, Performance Studies, Adaptation
Trained in Comparative Literature at Yale University, Lucian Ghita teaches courses on British and World Literature, Shakespeare, Renaissance theatre, postcolonial and cultural history, film adaptation, and performance. A recipient of Clemson’s Gentry Award for Teaching Excellence in the Humanities, he is currently co-leading a multiyear collaborative project which uses AI to study the works of Shakespeare and his contemporaries (Clemson World recently ran a feature piece on the project available here. He writes about the intersections of literature, performance, politics, and cultural history. His articles have appeared in Shakespeare, BLARB, Comparative Literature and Culture, Shakespeare Yearbook, CriticAtac, and other journals and venues.
Selected Professional Works
Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Published)
“The Specters of the Jacobethan Avant-Garde in Romanian Experimental Theatre.” Shakespeare in Romania, Shakespeare in the World, Eds. George Volceanov and Ioan Cristescu. Bucharest: Romanian Literature Museum Publishing House, 2017.
"The Spectacle of Power and the Disenchantment of Theater in Henry VIII." Shakespeare: Complete Works, Vol. XII, Ed. George Volceanov. Bucharest: Tracus Arte Publishing House, 2017.
"Theatre as a Double Play/Play of Doubles." Preface to Shakespeare: Complete Works, vol. X, Ed. George Volceanov. Bucharest: Tracus Arte Publishing House, 2016.
“Ghosting Macbeth: Silviu Purcarete Meets Shakespeare and Jarry." Romanian Shakespeare Journal 2.2 (2014): 45-53.
“Titus Andronicus (directed by Silviu Purcarete)," the National Theater in Craiova, Romania, 14 March 1992, Shakespeare 9.3 (2013): 342-6.
"'To Knit these Broken Limbs Again into One Body': The Semiotics of Dismemberment and the Ethics of Spectatorship in Julie Taymor’s Titus,” Shakespeare Yearbook: Lacan and the Renaissance. Lewiston, NY: Mellen Press, 2010.
“Aesthetics of Fragmentation in Taymor's Titus,” Shakespeare in Hollywood, Asia, and Cyberspace. Eds. Alexa Huang and Charles Ross. Lafayette: Purdue UP, 2009. 207-17.
“'I Would Rather Be Honest than Wise': Fictional Protocols and Authorial Credibility in Thomas More's Utopia,” Prose Studies 28.2 (2006): 113-29.
“Spatializing the Body and the Law Machine in Kafka's Der Prozess,” Journal of the Kafka Society of America 1-2 (2006): 3-19.
“'I Can neither Write nor Be Silent': The Circulation of Women’s Texts in Sidney’s Old Arcadia,” Literature Compass 3.2 (2006): 95-106.
“Reality and Metaphor in Jane Howell's and Julie Taymor's Productions of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus,” CLCWeb 6.1 (2004):
Reviews & Interviews
"Bannon and the Shakespearean Revenge Playbook," Los Angeles Review of Books. January 7, 2018.