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Selected Professional Works
Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Published)
“‘We Are Sharers’: Finding Community in Isolation.” Co-Authored with Jeff Howard and Rocio Soto. The Peer Review, International Writing Centers Association, Summer 2021.
“Tied in ‘lusty leese’: Gender and Determinism in Troilus and Criseyde.” The Chaucer Review 54.1, Jan. 2019.
“Sex and Sovereignty: Angela Carter’s Medieval Toyshop.” Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 60.3, May 2019.
“Perusall: Building Community and Confidence in an Online Classroom through Annotation.” TECHStyle, June 2021.
Reviews & Interviews
A discussion of “The Green Knight” (Dir. David Lowery, 2021). Technically Pop: A pop culture podcast from the Brittain Fellows at the Georgia Institute of Technology. August 2021.
Conference Presentations (Delivered)
“‘Mapping the Middle Ages’: Teaching the Global Middle Ages through Multimodal Composition and Digital Mapping.” Teaching the Middle Ages Using Digital Mapping: Spatial Humanities in the Medieval Classroom. Sponsored by the Teaching Association for Medieval Studies. International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University, May 2022.
“Bodies in the Taas: The Violence of Forms in the Knight’s Tale.” Southeastern Medieval Association. Samford University, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and Birmingham-Southern College, November 2022.
“Bodies in the Taas: The Violence of Forms in the Knight’s Tale.” Southeastern Medieval Association. Samford University, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and Birmingham-Southern College, November 2022.
“‘By heigh ymaginacioun forncast’: Circumscribing Forces of Habit in the Nun’s Priest’s Tale.” Southeastern Medieval Association. Wofford College, November 2021.
“Beowulf in the Composition Classroom.” Teaching Medieval and Early Modern Literature in the Composition Classroom , presenter and panel organizer. Duke University Symposium for Pedagogy and the Premodern, March 2020.
Conference Proposals (Accepted or Submitted)
“‘In her kendly cuntre’: Margery Kempe as Transnational Network Builder." Sponsored by the Mysticism and Lived Experience Network. International Congress on Medieval Studies. Leeds, UK, July 2023. Upcoming.