Abigail Doyle

M.A. Student
Department of History
Email: abdoyle@clemson.edu
M.A., Clemson University (2021)
Research Interests
Early and Colonial North America; Colonial Lower South; Slavery, Gender, Women, Cultural,Economic/Business
Abigail Doyle is a second year MA student in history and is a research assistant on the Woodland Cemetery Project at Clemson University. Her current research project on the Woodland Cemetery is to create and update records of the faculty buried in the cemetery and to co-work with the other side of the cemetery project that is covering the unmarked burial grounds of enslaved people and convict laborers.
Abigail’s research interests include Colonial South Carolina, slavery, women and gender, and agriculture. Her MA thesis is focusing on two eighteenth century female planters, Ann Drayton and Eliza Lucas Pinckney, to show that women were agents of slavery and colonialism. Eliza Lucas Pinckney especially changed the dynamics of the Colonial World in her pursuits in agricultural experimentation that transformed indigo into one of South Carolina’s most lucrative exports. Her thesis also focuses on the life of an enslaved carpenter named Quash, to reveal a remarkable tale of enslavement and freedom in Colonial South Carolina.
She received her undergraduate degrees from Clemson University in History and Secondary education with a social studies emphasis and will be a teacher once she graduates the MA program. She is also the 2022-2023 president of the History Graduate Student Association.