Our People

Founder & Director, Corliss Outley, Ph.D.

Associate Director, Vacant

Researcher, Yi Ju Wu, Ph.D.

Graduate Researcher, Maira Patino

Graduate Researcher, Alayna Schmidt

Graduate Researcher, Katie Thurson
Community of Scholars
- Yewande Austin, Founder, Global Institute for Diversity and Change
- Jamila Blake, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
- Ariana Brazier, Director, Atlanta Parent Like A Boss, Inc.
- AishiaBrown, Ph.D., University of Louisville
- Nathanial Bryan, Miami University
- Sean Dogan, Pastor, Long Branch Baptist Church
- Myra Gayle Gabriel, Ph.D., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Carla Goar, Ph.D., Kent State
- Daphne C. Harris, University of North Texas
- DaveLouis, Ph.D., Texas Tech University
- Brandy Kelly Pryor, Ph.D., Humana Foundation
- LisakoMcKyer, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
- Tom Mueller, Ph.D., California University of Pennsylvania
- Jovanni Reyes, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Ed Tarleton, Ph.D.,HELP Consulting, Inc.
- David Taylor, Director, Momentum Bike Clubs
- Dan Theriault, Ph.D., Appalachian State University
- Yi Ju Wu, Program Evaluation Consultant, Houston, TX
Become a REYSE Scholar
- REYSE provides a supportive scholarly environment where Scholars have access to a network of faculty members, graduate students and YD Professionals who share experiences, act as mentors and collaborate on research and youth programming.
- REYSE organizes colloquia, conferences, coffee hours and other related activities, which foster interdisciplinary contacts, connections, and community.
- REYSE facilitates and amplifies Scholar research, courses, programming and training on its website, social media and in the larger campus and local community.
- REYSE provides information and workshops about funding and training opportunities and has its own small grants program and training curriculum.
- REYSE provides opportunities for training of students through undergraduate internship support.
Commitments are based on appropriateness:
- Attend 2-3 REYSE activities a year, including speaker series, conferences, trainings, workshops or chat hours.
- Write a blog post or research brief for REYSE at least once a year.
- Provide information about publications, awards and fellowships once a year for the annual report.
- Affiliate your submitted research proposals with the Collaboratory
- Serve on committees, co-organize events, participate in the annual research symposium, or serve as a mentor for the undergraduate research program.
- Acknowledge REYSE in conference papers and published work that was supported by funding from REYSE or received feedback from REYSE staff.
Application Criteria
The following criteria assist in determining participation in the REYSE program:
- Aspects of each member’s research should demonstrate a clear and continuing connection to the mission of the REYSE.
- Members are expected to participate in or contribute to REYSE-wide initiatives to the best of their ability.
- Each member will submit an updated CV to the REYSE annually.
- Members wishing to obtain PRTM Graduate Faculty status as part of their affiliation will follow procedures in the PRTM Bylaws.
Individuals interested in applying for membership in the Center should submit a resume/curriculum vitae and a brief statement of interest that communicates:
- How aspects of the individual’s work connects to the mission of the REYSE Collaboratory.
- Commitment to participation in Collaboratory-related initiatives (see the list of commitments above and describe how you plan to participate in the community).
- Existing/planned projects relevant to the mission of the REYSE.
- Existing/planned extramural funding for projects relevant to the mission of the REYSE.
- Applications for membership will be reviewed by the REYSE Director.
Please use the online application form to submit your application to become a REYSE Collaboratory Scholar. The Director will review the materials sent by the prospective scholar and distribute the materials for review. Scholars are appointed for three-year terms and membership may be renewed.