Research InterestsPositive youth development outcomes during out-of-school time; Community engaged scholarship to improve sociopolitical systems & environments to reduce inequalities; Community-based participatory research methods & qualitative data analytic methods; Strengths-based approaches to youth engagement, empowerment & activism for social/system level changes; Training of youth development professionals in cultural competence & positive youth development Research PublicationsSCHOLARLY WORKS (SELECTED)*
(*Notes: “_” = graduate student/advisee/mentee I directly supervised/mentored at the time the study took place; “^” =Where I am senior / primary author (conceptualized paper idea, assigned/supervised contributions by others); “*” = I am methodological expert and lead/assisted in research design, data collection, analysis & reporting)
Schmidt, A., Outley, C., & Schultz, C. (Accepted). Can (or should) white women do Black feminist theory?: Exploring tensions, contradictions, and intersectionalities while performing justice-focused research. Submitted to Leisure/Loisir.
Sene Harper, A. & Outley, C. (Accepted). The Fatal Coupling of Race, State and Leisure Research on Disparities. Submitted to Leisure Sciences.
Pinckney, H. P., Bryan, N., & Outley, C. (2021). Black PlayCrit: Examining the Disruption of Play for Black Male Youth. American Journal of Play, 13(2/3), 210-229.
Harris, K, L., & Outley, C.^ (2021). Silence is not an option: Oral history of race in youth development through the words of esteemed Black scholars. Journal of Youth Development, 16(5), 9-40.
Outley, C. ^*, Bowen, S., & Pinckney, H. (2021). Laughing While Black: Resistance, Coping and the Use of Humor as a Pandemic Pastime among Blacks. Leisure Sciences, 43(1-2), 305-314.
Gabriel, M. G., Brown, A., León, M., & Outley, C. (2021). Power and Social Control of Youth during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Leisure Sciences, 43(1-2), 240-246.
Kelly Pryor, B. N., & Outley, C. (2021). “Last Night a DJ Saved My Life”@ Dnice# ClubQuarantine: Digitally Mediating Ritualistic Leisure Spaces during Isolation. Leisure Sciences, 43(1-2), 330-342.
Outley, C. & Blyth, D. A. (2020). Race, Antiracism, and Youth Development: From Awareness to Sustained Action. Journal of Youth Development, 15(5), 1-15.
León, M., Outley, C., Marchbanks, M., & Kelly Pryor, B. (2020). A Review of Recreation Requirements in US Juvenile Justice Facilities. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 31(5), 763-782.
Pinckney IV, H., Outley, C., Brown, A., Stone, G., & Manzano-Sánchez, H. (2020). Rights of Passage Programs: A Culturally Relevant Youth Development Program for Black Youth. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 38 (3).
Outley, C^., & Skuza, J. A. (2019). Perspectives on Immigrant, Refugee, & Border Youth. Journal of Youth Development, 14(2), 1-9.
Manzano-Sanchez, H., Outley, C.^*, & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (2019). Barriers That Hinder and Supports That Foster College Aspiration Among Latino/A High School Students. Journal of Youth Development, 14(2), 25-45.
León, M., Outley, C., Marchbanks, M., & Kelly Pryor, B. (2019). A Review of Recreation Requirements in US Juvenile Justice Facilities. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 0887403419864415.
Wu, Y. J., Outley, C.,^* Matarrita-Cascante, D., (2019). Ethnic Identity of Asian American youth after Cultural Immersion Camp: Research and Evaluation Strategies. Journal of Youth Development, 14(2), 166-182.
Pinckney, H. P., Outley, C. W., & Brown, A. A. (2019). Playing While Black. Leisure Sciences, 1-11.
Brown, A. A., & Outley, C. W.* (2019). The Role of Leisure in the Dehumanization of Black Girlhood: Egypt’s story. Leisure Sciences, 1-18.
Brown, A. A., Outley, C. W., & Pinckney, H. P. (2019). Examining the Use of Leisure for the Sociopolitical Development of Black Youth in Out-of-School Time Programs, Leisure Sciences, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/01490400.2018.1534625.
Outley, C.^, Brown, A., Gabriel, M.G., & Sullins, A. (2018). The Role of Culture in Youth Development. In Witt, P. & Caldwell, C. (Eds.). Recreation & Youth Development (Second Edition). Venture Publishing: State College, PA.
Pinckney, H. P., Mowatt, R. A., Outley, C., Brown, A., Floyd, M. F., & *Black, K. L. (2018). Black Spaces/White Spaces: Black Lives, Leisure, and Life Politics. Leisure Sciences, 40(4), 267-287.
Manzano-Sanchez, H., Outley, C.^, Gonzalez, J. E., & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (2018). The Influence of Self-Efficacy Beliefs in the Academic Performance of Latina/o Students in the United States: A Systematic Literature Review. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 0739986318761323.
Odum, M. Outley, CW.^*, McKyer, ELJ, Tisone, CA., & McWhinney, SL (2017). Weight-related Barriers for Overweight Students in an Elementary Physical Education (PE) Classroom: An Exploratory Case Study with One P.E. Teacher. Frontiers in Public Health, 5. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00305
Wu, Y. J., Outley, C.,^* Matarrita-Cascante, D., & Murphrey, T. P. (2016). A Systematic Review of Recent Research on Adolescent Social Connectedness and Mental Health with Internet Technology Use. Adolescent Research Review, 1(2), 153-162.
Pryor, B. N. K., & Outley, C. W. (2014). Just Spaces: Urban Recreation Centers as Sites for Social Justice Youth Development. Journal of Leisure Research, 46(3), 272.
Matarrita-Cascante, D., Edwards, M., Outley, C. W., Clark, H. R., & Wu, Y. (2014). The Role of Community Nurture in Adolescent Interest in College Attendance. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(2), S20.
Bryant, M., Outley, C^*, & Edwards, M. (2013). Social Justice and Civic Engagement through Participation in a Youth Health Leadership Program. Journal of Youth Development, 8 (12), 76-83.
McKyer, E. L. J., Outley, C.W., Blake, J.J., & Kelly, B.N. (2012) Promoting adolescent health in rural communities. In R. Crosby (Ed.) Addressing Rural Health Disparities. University of Kentucky Press
Blake, J.J., Lease, A. M., Turner, T., & Outley, C. (2011). Exploring ethnic variation in Preadolescent Aggressive Girls’ Social, Psychological, and Academic Functioning. Journal of Black Psychology, 38(1):104-131.
Honors and Awards2022 Presidential Leadership Institute, Clemson University
2016 Keeping the Dream Alive Award, City of College Station, TX
2013-2015 Scholar, ADVANCE Scholar Program, Texas A&M University
2014 Fellow, Advance Leadership Program, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
2009 Howdy Camp Namesake - “Camp Outley”, Aggie Transition Camp, Texas A&M University
LinksREYSE Collaboratory