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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Corliss Outley

Director of REYSE Collaboratory

Office: 131 Sirrine Hall



Personal Website:

Educational Background

PhD Recreation and Natural Resources Management
Texas A&M University 2000

MS Forestry
Southern Illinois University 1994

BS Biolgy
Grambling State University 1992

Courses Taught

• PRTM 8010 – Philosophy of PRTM
• PRTM 8900 – Community Based Participatory Research – Qualitative Approaches
• PRTM 3250 Diversity in PRTM
• NPL 3900 Introduction to Social Justice
• YDP 8900 – Profession of Youth Development Leadership
• YDP 8080 – Grantsmanship

Courses Taught at Previous Institutions:
• Graduate Level - Community Based Participatory Research, Foundations of Youth Development, Prevention Science, Interrelationships of Recreation and Leisure Concepts, Theoretical Perspectives in Leisure Behavior, Graduate Research Seminar, Foundations of Recreation and Leisure.

• Undergraduate Level - Administration of Programs and Service in Youth Development, Youth Development Practice, Leisure and Outdoor Recreation, Youth Participatory Action Research, Community Youth Development Practice, Youth Identity and Popular Culture, Research and Evaluation in Recreation and Leisure, Leisure and Human Development, Positive Youth Development Programming, Positive Youth Development and Urban Programming


My research examines positive youth development outcomes during the out-of-school time hours, particularly focusing on racial/ethnic identity and cultural behaviors, social justice and built and physical environmental influences. I consider myself a “community engaged scholar” who focuses on improving sociopolitical systems and environments to reduce inequalities through the application of strengths-based empowerment approaches to youth engagement. I also attest that it is only from working side-by-side with communities that we as scholars will learn about their assets, as well as needs, in order to get for these citizens to no longer be considered underserved, but where they are fully represented and active participants in the social, environmental, economic and educational institutions.

Research Interests

Positive youth development outcomes during out-of-school time; Community engaged scholarship to improve sociopolitical systems & environments to reduce inequalities; Community-based participatory research methods & qualitative data analytic methods; Strengths-based approaches to youth engagement, empowerment & activism for social/system level changes; Training of youth development professionals in cultural competence & positive youth development

Research Publications

(*Notes: “_” = graduate student/advisee/mentee I directly supervised/mentored at the time the study took place; “^” =Where I am senior / primary author (conceptualized paper idea, assigned/supervised contributions by others); “*” = I am methodological expert and lead/assisted in research design, data collection, analysis & reporting)

Schmidt, A., Outley, C., & Schultz, C. (Accepted). Can (or should) white women do Black feminist theory?: Exploring tensions, contradictions, and intersectionalities while performing justice-focused research. Submitted to Leisure/Loisir.

Sene Harper, A. & Outley, C. (Accepted). The Fatal Coupling of Race, State and Leisure Research on Disparities. Submitted to Leisure Sciences.

Pinckney, H. P., Bryan, N., & Outley, C. (2021). Black PlayCrit: Examining the Disruption of Play for Black Male Youth. American Journal of Play, 13(2/3), 210-229.

Harris, K, L., & Outley, C.^ (2021). Silence is not an option: Oral history of race in youth development through the words of esteemed Black scholars. Journal of Youth Development, 16(5), 9-40.

Outley, C. ^*, Bowen, S., & Pinckney, H. (2021). Laughing While Black: Resistance, Coping and the Use of Humor as a Pandemic Pastime among Blacks. Leisure Sciences, 43(1-2), 305-314.

Gabriel, M. G., Brown, A., León, M., & Outley, C. (2021). Power and Social Control of Youth during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Leisure Sciences, 43(1-2), 240-246.

Kelly Pryor, B. N., & Outley, C. (2021). “Last Night a DJ Saved My Life”@ Dnice# ClubQuarantine: Digitally Mediating Ritualistic Leisure Spaces during Isolation. Leisure Sciences, 43(1-2), 330-342.

Outley, C. & Blyth, D. A. (2020). Race, Antiracism, and Youth Development: From Awareness to Sustained Action. Journal of Youth Development, 15(5), 1-15.

León, M., Outley, C., Marchbanks, M., & Kelly Pryor, B. (2020). A Review of Recreation Requirements in US Juvenile Justice Facilities. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 31(5), 763-782.

Pinckney IV, H., Outley, C., Brown, A., Stone, G., & Manzano-Sánchez, H. (2020). Rights of Passage Programs: A Culturally Relevant Youth Development Program for Black Youth. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 38 (3).

Outley, C^., & Skuza, J. A. (2019). Perspectives on Immigrant, Refugee, & Border Youth. Journal of Youth Development, 14(2), 1-9.

Manzano-Sanchez, H., Outley, C.^*, & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (2019). Barriers That Hinder and Supports That Foster College Aspiration Among Latino/A High School Students. Journal of Youth Development, 14(2), 25-45.

León, M., Outley, C., Marchbanks, M., & Kelly Pryor, B. (2019). A Review of Recreation Requirements in US Juvenile Justice Facilities. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 0887403419864415.

Wu, Y. J., Outley, C.,^* Matarrita-Cascante, D., (2019). Ethnic Identity of Asian American youth after Cultural Immersion Camp: Research and Evaluation Strategies. Journal of Youth Development, 14(2), 166-182.

Pinckney, H. P., Outley, C. W., & Brown, A. A. (2019). Playing While Black. Leisure Sciences, 1-11.

Brown, A. A., & Outley, C. W.* (2019). The Role of Leisure in the Dehumanization of Black Girlhood: Egypt’s story. Leisure Sciences, 1-18.

Brown, A. A., Outley, C. W., & Pinckney, H. P. (2019). Examining the Use of Leisure for the Sociopolitical Development of Black Youth in Out-of-School Time Programs, Leisure Sciences, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/01490400.2018.1534625.

Outley, C.^, Brown, A., Gabriel, M.G., & Sullins, A. (2018). The Role of Culture in Youth Development. In Witt, P. & Caldwell, C. (Eds.). Recreation & Youth Development (Second Edition). Venture Publishing: State College, PA.

Pinckney, H. P., Mowatt, R. A., Outley, C., Brown, A., Floyd, M. F., & *Black, K. L. (2018). Black Spaces/White Spaces: Black Lives, Leisure, and Life Politics. Leisure Sciences, 40(4), 267-287.

Manzano-Sanchez, H., Outley, C.^, Gonzalez, J. E., & Matarrita-Cascante, D. (2018). The Influence of Self-Efficacy Beliefs in the Academic Performance of Latina/o Students in the United States: A Systematic Literature Review. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 0739986318761323.

Odum, M. Outley, CW.^*, McKyer, ELJ, Tisone, CA., & McWhinney, SL (2017). Weight-related Barriers for Overweight Students in an Elementary Physical Education (PE) Classroom: An Exploratory Case Study with One P.E. Teacher. Frontiers in Public Health, 5. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00305

Wu, Y. J., Outley, C.,^* Matarrita-Cascante, D., & Murphrey, T. P. (2016). A Systematic Review of Recent Research on Adolescent Social Connectedness and Mental Health with Internet Technology Use. Adolescent Research Review, 1(2), 153-162.

Pryor, B. N. K., & Outley, C. W. (2014). Just Spaces: Urban Recreation Centers as Sites for Social Justice Youth Development. Journal of Leisure Research, 46(3), 272.

Matarrita-Cascante, D., Edwards, M., Outley, C. W., Clark, H. R., & Wu, Y. (2014). The Role of Community Nurture in Adolescent Interest in College Attendance. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(2), S20.

Bryant, M., Outley, C^*, & Edwards, M. (2013). Social Justice and Civic Engagement through Participation in a Youth Health Leadership Program. Journal of Youth Development, 8 (12), 76-83.

McKyer, E. L. J., Outley, C.W., Blake, J.J., & Kelly, B.N. (2012) Promoting adolescent health in rural communities. In R. Crosby (Ed.) Addressing Rural Health Disparities. University of Kentucky Press

Blake, J.J., Lease, A. M., Turner, T., & Outley, C. (2011). Exploring ethnic variation in Preadolescent Aggressive Girls’ Social, Psychological, and Academic Functioning. Journal of Black Psychology, 38(1):104-131.

Honors and Awards

2022 Presidential Leadership Institute, Clemson University
2016 Keeping the Dream Alive Award, City of College Station, TX
2013-2015 Scholar, ADVANCE Scholar Program, Texas A&M University
2014 Fellow, Advance Leadership Program, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
2009 Howdy Camp Namesake - “Camp Outley”, Aggie Transition Camp, Texas A&M University


REYSE Collaboratory

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall