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Emergency Management

Hazard Specific Emergency Information

  • Campus Emergency Communications

    Campus Emergency Communications

    The Campus Emergency Communications Network is utilized to alert faculty, staff and students of imminent and urgent situations that may affect the campus.

    In an emergency, notifications to students, faculty, staff and visitors would begin immediately or as soon as information is available.

    The components of the Campus Emergency Communications Network that may be used are:

    • Campus Alert System – Provides tone and voice outdoor warning
    • Email warning notices such as Inside Alert
    • Mobile phone text message warnings
    • CU Safety website pop-up warning notices: for further information visit
    • Twitter: com/clemsonsafety
    • NOAA weather radio Anderson/Pickens / Oconee 162.550 MHz
    • South Carolina Emergency Alert System (EAS) – which utilizes regional TV and radio media:
      • WYFF-TV Channel 4, WSPA-TV Channel 7 and 62, WLOS-TV Channel 13 and 40, WHNS-TV Channel 21
      • NCN-TV Cable (Seneca) and CCN Cable (Clemson)
      • WSBF-Radio 88.1 FM, WCCP-Radio 104.9 FM, WFBC-Radio 93.7 FM, WESC-Radio 92.5 FM, WSSL-Radio 100.5 FM, WMYI- Radio 102.5 FM, WROQ-Radio 101.1 FM
    • WEA messaging (wireless emergency alerts) using cell towers. No cell phone sign up required 
  • Medical Emergencies

    Medical Emergencies

    • Remain calm.
    • Call 911 or use an Emergency Call Box to report the incident.
    • Comfort the patient and reassure that medical assistance is on the way.
    • Do not move the patient unless safety dictates.
    • If trained, use pressure to stop bleeding and provide basic life support (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)).
    • Be aware of hazards associated with bloodborne pathogens. Do not come into contact with bodily fluids. Wear proper Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE). If exposed to suspected infectious material, wash the exposed area thoroughly with soap and water and seek medical attention.
    • If you provide first aid, do not jeopardize your health or the health of the patient. Wait for professional help if you are not able to provide proper first aid safely.
    • The Clemson University Fire Department maintains Advanced Life Support ambulance service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 864-656-2222
  • Utility Emergencies

    Utility Emergencies

    • Remain calm.
    • Campus Facilities has a utility system as complex as some cities and communities. The possibility exists for a utility failure of some nature and magnitude.
    • Non-emergency reporting, repair requests and information may be obtained through:
      • Residential Housing Areas: 864-656-2295 – University Housing
      • Non-Residential Housing Areas: 864-656-2186 – University Facilities
    • If you discover a significant water leak, gas leak or other major utility failure, call the CUPD Dispatch Center at 864-656-2222. Please do not call the CUPD Dispatch Center unless you have an emergency and need assistance.
    • Do NOT attempt to correct the problem unless you are “authorized and qualified” to do so.
    • Provide assistance to others in your immediate area that may be unfamiliar with the building / workspace.
    • Turn off equipment such as computers and monitors to avoid potential serious damage once the power is restored.
    • If you are in a dark area, proceed cautiously to an area that has emergency lights.
    • If you are on an elevator, stay calm. Use the emergency button or telephone to alert authorities. Do NOT attempt to open the elevator car door or in any way “shake” or “jar” the car to move unless directed to do so by emergency personnel.
  • Media Calls

    Media Calls

    The Clemson University Media Relations Office serves as the point of contact for all media inquiries. During an emergency situation, it is especially important that reporters be directed to the Media Relations Office. The Media Relations Office speaks on behalf of the University and has the most accurate and up-to-date information available about an incident. In addition, Media Relations works closely with emergency responders to coordinate what information can or should be released to the general public.

    • Direct all media inquiries to the Media Relations Office at 864-656-2061 (during office hours) or direct them to the Media Relations page on the website. The “Contact Media Relations” link has after-hours contact information.
    • To assist the Office of Media Relations in responding as quickly as possible, feel free to obtain the following information and forward it to the Media Relations Office:
      • The reporter’s name and phone number
      • The media organization they represent
      • The type of information they are seeking
      • The reporter’s deadline
    • Regardless of the situation of what the media questions might be, never say “No Comment.” A better response is “Thanks for calling. Allow me to refer you to our Media Relations Office, which handles media questions and they will be able to assist you.”
    • Never talk “off the record” with the media. Always assume that they will use any information that they obtain in their report.
  • Student In Distress

    Student In Distress

    If you are in contact with a student who appears to be an immediate threat to his or her own safety or that of others, call Public Safety at 864-656-2222. NEVER LEAVE THE PERSON IN DISTRESS UNTIL A CUPD OFFICER OR OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICIAL RELIEVES YOU.

    Recognize Symptoms

    • Significant change in academic performance or classroom conduct
    • Unusual behavior or appearance
    • Traumatic event or change in relationships
    • Reference to suicide, homicide or death

    Respond To The Student

    • Speak privately with student
    • Directly and candidly discuss your observations and concerns
    • Offer support and assistance

    Refer To Mental Health Professionals At Redfern (CAPS)

    • Be caring, firm, and straightforward in your referral
    • Consider calling from your office or escorting student to the Counseling Center

    Consult With On-campus Resources About Your Concerns

    • Redfern Health Center: 864-656-2233 (After Hours – 864-656-2233, Option 2 for medical concerns)
    • CAPS: 864-656-2451 (After hours – 864-656- 2222, ask for CAPS Counselor-on-Call)
    • Clemson University Police Department: 911 or 864-656-2222 


  • Chemical Exposure/Spills

    Chemical Exposure/Spills

    If Chemical Exposure Occurs

    • If toxic chemicals come into contact with your skin, immediately and continuously flush the affected area with clear water.
    • Remove contaminated clothing.
    • Call 911 immediately.
    • Move to a safer area.

    Many materials used in the workplace present a health hazard to humans.

    Inappropriate handling of hazardous materials may result in exposure to personnel and the environment. The actual degree of protection required will depend upon the agent, concentration and risk of exposure to it from routine procedures and accidents.

    If A Chemical Spill Occurs

    For spills, releases or incidents requiring special training, procedures or personal protective equipment (PPE) that are beyond the abilities of present personnel, take the following steps:

    • Immediately notify affected personnel and evacuate the spill area. Pull the building fire evacuation alarm if evacuation is required
    • Call 911 to report the incident to the CUPD Dispatch Center

    Chemical Evacuation Instructions

    • Key persons on site should evacuate the affected area at once and seal it off to prevent further contamination of others until the arrival of emergency personnel.
    • Anyone who is contaminated by the spill should avoid contact with others as much as possible and remain in the vicinity
    • Washing off contamination and any required first aid should be started immediately
    • No effort to contain or clean up spills and/or releases should be made unless you are “Authorized and Qualified” to perform such work
    • If an evacuation alarm sounds, follow established building evacuation procedures
    • Do not re-enter the area until directed by emergency personnel
  • Bomb Threats And Suspicious Packages

    Bomb Threats And Suspicious Packages

    Campus Emergencies – Dial 911 or 864-656-2222



    • Remain calm.
    • Keep the caller on the line as long as possible.
    • Listen carefully. Note the time of call and telephone number displayed if you have caller ID.
    • Ask the caller the following questions:
      • Where is the bomb?
      • When will it explode?
      • What does the bomb look like?
      • What kind of bomb is it?
      • What will cause it to explode?
      • Did you place the bomb?
      • Why?
      • What is your name?
      • Are you an employee?
      • Where are you calling from?
    • Write down any pertinent information such as background noises, gender of caller and voice pitches and patterns.
    • Call 911 immediately to notify the CUPD Dispatch Center.




    • Do NOT use cell phones, radios or other wireless devices near the package or object.
    • Leave the area and Call 911 Immediately to notify the Campus Emergency Dispatch Center.
    • In most cases, these incidents are meant to disrupt normal activities.
    • Building evacuation is not a decision for anyone to make except for proper authorities.
    • Any employee who had direct contact with package should wash their exposed skin with soap and water after reaching a place of safety.
  • Shelter-in-place


    A shelter-in-place warning may be issued for a variety of reasons ranging from severe weather, hazardous materials exposure, suspicious intruder, hostage situation or any situation when it is best to stay where you are to avoid any uncertainty outside. Everyone should understand the different threats and plan for all possibilities.

    • In general, employees cannot be forced to shelter, however there are circumstances when Clemson University officials will order that everyone stay put for their own safety and wellbeing. It is important to consider sheltering-in-place in advance to avoid confusion and allow for cooperation.
    • Local authorities may not immediately be able to provide information on what is happening and what you should do. However, everyone should be alert for instructions and updates as they become available through the University Emergency Communications System.
    • If class is in session, do not let any students leave. If in dorms, have everyone remain in their room.
    • Keep everyone calm.
    • Stay away from windows, doors and outside walls.
    • Severe Weather (SEE SEVERE WEATHER TAB): Basements generally provide the best protection. Otherwise, go into an interior room or hallway on the lowest floor possible.
    • Intruder: Secure doors and seek concealment away from windows and doors. Turn lights off and close the blinds if the room is so equipped.
    • Account for all faculty, staff, students and visitors as people arrive in the shelter.
    • Stay in the shelter location until the danger has passed.

    An “ALL CLEAR” message will be broadcast via the University Emergency Communication System when the danger has passed and the appropriate University Official has determined that it is safe to exit the shelter.

  • Campus Warning Sirens

    Campus Warning Sirens

    Campus Emergencies – Dial 911 or 864-656-2222

    • Two separate siren warning systems are present on campus:
      • Oconee Nuclear Warning Sirens
      • Campus Alert System (CAS)
    • The campus is within the 10-mile emergency planning zone (EPZ) that surrounds the Oconee Nuclear Power Plant, north of Seneca, SC. The sirens located at various locations throughout the Clemson/Seneca communities serve to notify citizens of a variety of events that may occur at the site.
    • The Campus Alert System (CAS) is primarily intended to notify campus occupants that are outdoors of impending severe weather. The CAS may also be used to notify faculty, staff, students and visitors of a variety of other emergency situations affecting the campus. When activated, the CAS will provide alternating cycles of alert tones and voice announcement. In some instances, CAS may also provide an “All Clear” announcement when appropriate.
    • The CAS is only intended to be an adjunct to personal awareness and preparedness.
    • Regardless of which system activates, the same initial action(s) are indicated:
      • Stop what you are doing.
      • Evaluate your surroundings and immediately seek information which may include voice announcements from the CAS.
      • Be prepared to take immediate self-protective action.
      • If severe weather appears to be imminent, immediately seek refuge in a substantially constructed building and shelter-in-place. As soon as possible seek information via local media and information sources to determine the actual nature of the warning.
      • If the Oconee Nuclear warning system is activated, you should NOT evacuate the area. It is very important to tune into local media and other information sources to determine what actions are recommended.
    • Both systems are tested during the first month of each calendar quarter for a single three-minute period. In the event of an actual emergency, either system will sound continuously.
  • Tornado


    A tornado is a violently rotating column of air that is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus cloud or, in rare cases, the base of a cumulus cloud. Tornadoes come in many shapes and sizes, but they are typically in the form of a visible condensation funnel, whose narrow end touches the earth and is often encircled by a cloud of debris and dust. There are several scales for rating the strength of tornadoes. The Fujita Scale rates tornadoes by damage caused and have been replaced in some countries by the updated Enhanced Fujita Scale. An F0 or EF0 tornado, the weakest category, damages trees but not substantial structures. An F5 or EF5 tornado, the strongest category, rips buildings off their foundations and can deform large skyscrapers.

    • A “tornado watch” means conditions are right for a tornado.
    • A “tornado warning” means a tornado has been spotted in the area being warned.

    You should know where the “safer” areas are located in any building that you are in.

    Things to remember about finding a “safer area”:

    • Try and get to the lowest level of any structure in which you are located.
    • Stay away from areas where windows and glass are present.
    • Put as many walls as you can between yourself and the outside.
    • In public buildings, bathrooms often have an additional wall.
    Enhanced Fujita Scale
    EFU Unknown No surveyable damage
    EF0 65–85 mph Light damage
    EF1 86–110 mph Moderate damage
    EF2 111–135 mph Considerable damage
    EF3 136–165 mph Severe damage
    EF4 166–200 mph Devastating damage
    EF5 >200 mph Incredible damage
  • Evacuation Procedures

    Evacuation Procedures

    Evacuation of the University if necessary, will generally fall into two categories:

    • Limited or Partial Evacuation – A building, designated area or group of buildings may be evacuated for a specific time.
    • General Evacuation – the entire campus is evacuated for an indefinite period of time.

    It is very important that regardless of the type or duration of an evacuation that everyone listens very carefully to official information and evacuation orders issued from the University Administration.

    General Guidelines

    • Plan ahead. Know evacuation routes from your office and campus.
    • Make sure you have personal and Clemson University identification with you.
    • If the building fire alarm is activated, leave without delay.
    • Remain calm and listen for specific evacuation instructions.
    • Do not return for personal items.
    • Walk, do not run. Once outside the building move away from the exits.
    • Do not go into the restrooms.
    • Do not use the elevators!
    • Direct visitors or anyone needing assistance to nearest stairwell.
    • It is imperative that you “check in” with your supervisor or other department personnel so all employees can be accounted for.
    • An evacuation could last from a few minutes to several days.

    In The Event Of An Authorized General Evacuation:

    • Faculty, staff and campus visitors: Leave campus and return to their home or other safe and appropriate intermediate destination unless told otherwise.
    • Students:
      • Students that can provide their own transportation should leave campus and return to their home or other safe and appropriate intermediate destination unless told otherwise
      • Students who cannot provide their own transportation should report to the front of Hendrix Student Center where transportation buses will be provided to shuttle students to T. Ed. Garrison Arena or other processing centers until transportation home or to a shelter can be arranged
  • Earthquake


    Unlike other emergencies, the procedures to deal with an earthquake are much less specific. Since an earthquake’s magnitude cannot be predetermined, everyone must initiate emergency precautions within a few seconds after the initial tremor is felt, assuming the worst possible case.

    The best earthquake preparation is to take precaution before the earthquake (e.g., secure or remove objects above you that could fall during an earthquake).

    Campus Emergencies – Dial 911 or 864-656-2222


    1. If inside, stop, drop and cover under a table, desk or other substantial piece of furniture.
    2. Call 911 or use an “Emergency Call Box” if emergency assistance is necessary.
    3. Evacuate if alarm sounds or if told to do so by emergency personnel. 

    During The Earthquake

    1. Remain calm and act.
    2. If indoors, seek refuge under a desk, table or in a doorway and hold on. Stay away from windows, shelves and heavy equipment.
    3. If outdoors, move quickly away from buildings, utility poles, overhead wires and other structures. CAUTION: Avoid downed power or utility lines as they may be energized. Do not attempt to enter buildings until you are advised to do so by the proper authorities.
    4. If in an automobile, stop in the safest place available, preferably an open area away from power lines and trees. Stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle for the shelter it provides.

    After The Initial Shock

    1. Be prepared for aftershocks. Aftershocks are usually less intense than the main quake but can cause further structural damage.
    2. Protect yourself at all times.
    3. Evaluate the situation and call 911 for emergency assistance, if necessary.
    4. Do not use lanterns, torches, lighted cigarettes or open flames since gas leaks could be present.
    5. Open windows, etc., to ventilate the building. Watch out for broken glass.
    6. If a fire is caused by the earthquake, implement the fire procedures. 
  • Severe Weather


    The Upstate of South Carolina experiences a wide variety of weather patterns, some of which can be sudden and severe. Staying informed and being prepared is everyone’s personal responsibility!

    Clemson University subscribes to a weather monitoring service that “watches” over a 12-mile zone surrounding the campus with the intent of providing a 20-minute warning in the event of severe weather. Upon receipt of a severe weather warning, the Campus Alert System (CAS) is activated along with providing information on the nature of the situation. See the sections on Campus Warning Sirens and Campus Emergency Communications for more information.

    Weather Advisory Definitions:

    • WATCH: Conditions are favorable for the development of severe weather in the area. Everyone should closely monitor the situation in case of deterioration.
    • WARNING: Severe weather has actually been observed and is imminent or is occurring in the area.


    • Get to lowest level of buildings possible.
    • Get away from windows and glass.
    • Put as many walls between you and the outside as possible (many times, this will be an internal bathroom).


    • Thunderstorms frequently have high winds, frequent cloud-to-ground lightning, heavy rain and tornadoes.
    • No place outside is safe during a thunderstorm. A substantially constructed building offers the best protection. 


    • Stay away from telephones, electrical appliances and plumbing.
    • If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to the storm to be struck by lightning. Seek shelter immediately.

    Winter Weather:

    • A major winter storm can last for several days and can intensify with little or no warning in the upstate region.
    • Many people become injured or die due to exposure to cold and vehicle accidents. Regardless of how experienced you think you are, driving during severe winter weather is perilous.
    • Plan for the worst. Have adequate clothing, food and water ready before it is needed.
  • Inclement Weather

    Inclement Weather


    When county government offices are closed, local Clemson University campuses also are closed. Visit the county government offices website to monitor county office closings in your area.

    Campus information:

    Updates will be issued via:

    Employees should not enter leave requests until after the weather event and further guidance is provided by the Office of Human Resources.

  • Active Threat

    Active Threat

    An “active threat” is an individual(s) who is engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area. In most cases, there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.

    Active Threat events are unpredictable, evolve quickly, and are often over within a matter of minutes. You must be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with an active threat situation.

    Get informed of the threat. Sign up for CU Safe Alerts at or on the Phone Number section of your My.Clemson account, and download Rave Guardian on your cell phone.

    • Be aware of your environment, co-workers, and classmates and any possible dangers.
    • Take note of all exits and posted evacuation routes in any facility you visit.
    • Be prepared to Run, Hide, and/or Fight, as described below.
    • Call 911when it is safe to do so.
    • All Lockdowns require electronic building access control to be locked to all but Law Enforcement personnel.

    You have three options:

    1- RUN

    • Have an escape route and plan in mind.
    • Leave your belongings behind.
    • Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
    • Help others escape, if possible.
    • Do not attempt to move the wounded.
    • Discourage others from entering an area where the active threat may be.
    • Keep your hands visible.
    • Do not gather in facility accountability areas.

    2 - HIDE

    • If you are in a building without exterior electronic locks, lock exterior doors.
    • If in a building with electronic locks, verify that they have been locked.
    • Find an interior room; lock, barricade, and secure the door using a lockdown button or other method
    • Be prepared to support/reinforce your barricade with force, if necessary.
    • Get out of sight: turn off lights, silence phones, cover windows in doors, draw blinds, and move away from windows.
    • If outdoors, seek shelter in the nearest unlocked building.
      • If the closest buildings are locked, move as far away from the danger as possible, seek cover (large trees, walls, cars in a parking lot, etc.), move to another building, or leave campus if it is safe to do so.
    • Do not leave until an “All Clear” is received. Unfamiliar voices may be the threat attempting to lure victims from their safe place.
      • Do not respond to any voice commands until you can verify with certainty that they are being issued by a police officer.
    • If you can do so without jeopardizing your safety, report information about the location of the threat by calling 911or via Rave Guardian(if you have the app).
      • If the threat is in your area and you cannot safely talk, leave the 911 line open so the dispatcher can listen to what’s taking place. Normally the location of a 911call can be determined without speaking.

    3 - FIGHT

    • Fight as a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger.
    • Attempt to incapacitate the threat.
    • Act with as much physical aggression as possible.
    • Improvise weapons or throw items at the active threat.
    • Commit to your actions. Your life depends on it.

    Do I let someone in?

    If there is any doubt about the safety of the individuals inside the room or building, the area needs to remain secure. Use good judgement. If there are individuals outside the locked door that want to get in, consider:

    • Can you see the area outside the door to determine that someone is not lying in wait? Is it a trap?
    • Does the person at the door match the physical description given in the Lockdown Alert, if given?

    If the decision is made to let a person in, consider:

    • Have the person leave anything they are carrying outside of the secure area.
    • Have the person lift their clothing until the waistline is visible and rotate 360 degrees to see if he or she is concealing a weapon.

    Remember, always use good judgement. There are exceptions to all guidance and prescribed directions.

    Lockdown Buttons

    • If there is an active threat situation outside the room, individuals inside should press the Lockdown button and follow the Active Threat protocols of Run, Hide, Fight.
    • Public Safety Officials are notified within seconds and will take appropriate actions, to include dispatching personnel and monitoring cameras.
    • All card access to that door will be immediately disabled. If there are multiple doors, with or without lockdown buttons, each must be separately locked. When lockdown buttons are pressed, even valid access cards cannot unlock the reader.
    • Individuals inside the room can still open the doors from the inside. Until Law Enforcement arrives, no one outside the room can open the door via card access.

    When Law Enforcement Arrives On-Scene

    Law enforcement’s purpose is to stop the active threat as soon as possible. Officers will proceed directly to the area where the last shots were heard.

    • The first officers to arrive on scene will not stop to help the injured.
    • Expect rescue teams to follow initial officers.
    • These rescue teams will treat and remove injured.
    • Remain calm and follow officers’ instructions.
    • Put down any items in your hands, especially cell phones, for responders to see that you are unarmed.
    • Immediately raise hands and spread fingers.
    • Keep hands visible at all times.
    • Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety.
    • Avoid screaming or yelling.
    • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, proceed in the direction from which officers are entering the area.
    • Do not leave the area until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so.
    • Provide the following to law enforcement or 911 operator
      • Location of the active threat
      • Number of threats, if more than one
      • Physical description of threat(s)
      • Number and type of weapons held by the threat(s)
      • Number of potential victims at the location
  • Fire


    If You Discover Smoke Or Fire

    • If it is safe to do so, remove everyone from immediate danger and close the door to confine smoke and fire.
    • Activate the building fire alarm at a pull station along your evacuation route.
    • If the fire is small enough and you are properly trained, take immediate action to control the fire with available firefighting equipment.
    • If leaving a room, feel the door with the back of your hand before opening it. Do not open any door that feels hot.
    • Do not return to your area for personal belongings.
    • If smoke is present, stay low. The best quality of air is near the floor. Proceed to the stairwell and exit to ground floor.
    • After you are safely out of the danger area, dial 911 to notify the University Emergency Dispatch Center.


    STOP where you are,

    DROP to the ground, and

    ROLL over and over to smother flames.

    If You Are Trapped And Cannot Evacuate

    • If available, wedge wet towels or cloth materials along the bottom of the door to keep out smoke.
    • Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.
    • Use telephone to call 911 and notify the University Emergency Dispatch Center of your problem and location.
    • If you are trapped in an area and need oxygen, only break the window as a last resort.
    • Use caution when breaking the window.

    Response To Fire Alarms

    • If the alarm sounds and/or emergency strobes begin to blink, evacuate immediately.
    • Never assume a fire alarm is a false alarm!
    • Do not use the elevators!
    • Do not return for personal belongings.
    • Direct and assist visitors and persons with disabilities who appear to need direction or assistance.
    • Return to the building only when instructed by authorized personnel. If you decide to try and extinguish a small fire with a fire extinguisher, remember the acronym P.A.S.S. (Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep).
  • Preventing Crime

    Preventing Crime

    Campus Emergencies – Dial 911 or 864-656-2222

    In Your Office

    • Lock your valuables up even if you are just going down the hall. It takes a thief less than 10 seconds to enter a room and steal your property.
    • When entering a secure area, do not let someone “tailgate” in behind you. Make them show their I.D. if you do not know them.
    • Keep all personal information secured (i.e. home address, SS#, pin access #).
    • Do not leave any desk or office keys and personnel identification or building access cards in unsecured areas.
    • Call the University Police to report any suspicious persons or activities.

    When Walking

    • Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
    • Walk with confidence and project a no-nonsense image.
    • Avoid walking alone at night. Walk with a co-worker or call University Police for escort to your car.
    • If confronted by an attacker, scream loudly and try to run to a safe area.
    • In some instances, you may have nowhere to go and should be prepared to defend yourself.
    • Many objects in your purse or on your body can be used as a weapon to defend against an attacker (keys, fingernails, metal nail file, etc.).

    While Driving

    • Have your car key ready to open door. Look in, around and under your car before entering.
    • Lock doors, roll up windows and fasten seatbelt before starting car.
    • Do not stop to assist occupants of disabled vehicles. Continue driving and call for help on your cell phone or stop at the nearest phone and call 911.
    • If your car breaks down, raise your hood; lock yourself in the car and call 911 or private motor assistance if possible. If someone stops to assist you, remain in your car and crack the window to talk.

    Protecting Your Car

    • Always lock your car.
    • If you cannot take all valuables with you, secure them in the trunk or glove box.
    • In warm weather, never leave your windows cracked or your convertible top down.
  • Workplace Violence

    Workplace Violence

    Examples Of Workplace Violence

    • Physical assault and/or threat
    • Stalking or continuous harassment of another causing terror, fear, worry or intimidation
    • Actions aimed at disrupting or sabotaging business operations
    • Indirect threats such as, “I know where you live”

    If You Are A Victim Or A Witness

    Life Threatening

    Call 911 immediately and advise the dispatcher of the following:

    • Your name, location, and type of workplace violence
    • Extent of injuries and if any weapon involved
    • Location and description of perpetrator, if known
    • Status of threat

    Non-life Threatening

    If no injuries occurred or there is no imminent danger:

    • Advise your supervisor and/or Human Resources immediately
    • Call the University Police if the situation may become life threatening (864-656-2222 or 911)
    • Try to move to a safe area

    Profile Of A Workplace Suspect

    • Irrational beliefs and ideas
    • Fascination with weapons and acts of violence
    • Expressions of a plan to hurt oneself or others
    • Incites fear among co-workers
    • Displays unwarranted anger
    • Violent reaction to criticism
    • Noted change in usual behavior
    • Feelings of being victimized

    Types Of Threats

    • Written Threats: Notes, letters, or faxed messages
    • Electronic Threats: Telephones, voice mail, social media, email etc.
    • Stalking: Following a person on or off site, repeatedly being in the same area when requested not to be, etc.
    • Harassment: Unwelcome acts, gestures, verbal communication, or physical contact not resulting in physical harm
    • Overheard Threats: Threats overheard which are directed against an employee or sabotage to property

    If Confronted By A Threatening Person

    • Leave the area/get out of harm’s way
    • Call 911 immediately

    If Unable To Leave The Area

    • Try to stay at a safe distance
    • Try to calm the threatening individual
    • Try to get the attention of a co-worker so they can call emergency personnel
    • Listen to the individual and let them do most of the talking
    • Use delaying techniques to give the individual the opportunity to calm down
    • Acknowledge the person’s feeling
    • Be respectful and empowering
    • Be reassuring and point out choices


    • Belittle, criticize, agitate or argue with the person
    • Reject all the person’s demands from the start
    • Use body language or speech that challenges the individual
    • Make sudden movements
    • Make false statements or promises

    Campus Emergencies – Dial 911 or 864-656-2222

    Clemson University is committed to protecting the health and safety of each employee by providing a work environment that is free of harassment, threats and acts of violence. In support of this initiative and consistent with University policies, Clemson University will not tolerate any threat, direct or implied, or physical conduct by any person which results in harm to people or property, or which harasses, disrupts or interferes with another’s work performance, or which creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile environment.

  • Sexual Assault And Battery

    Sexual Assault And Battery

    Sexual Assault

    Sexual assault is defined as any attempted or actual act of non-consensual sexual intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, anal intercourse or any intrusion, however slight, of any part of a person’s body or of any other object into the oral, genital or anal openings of another person’s body. This includes forcible or non-forcible sex offenses, including rape and fondling.

    Dating/Relationship Violence

    Dating/relationship violence is violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim where the existence of such relationship shall be based on a) the length of the relationship, b) the type of the relationship, and c) the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship. This includes sexual or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse.


    Medical Care – It is important for the victims and survivors to have information about available health care services, including HIV and sexually transmitted infection screenings and preventive measures. They may choose to have an anonymous forensic exam to evaluate possible medical needs after the assault, document injuries and collect evidence.

    Criminal Reporting – If the alleged assault is a crime, a report should be made to the Clemson University Police Department or other appropriate law enforcement agency if the incident occurred off campus. For more information visit the Office of Access and Equity's Title IX reporting page.

    Alleged Perpetrator is a Student – If the alleged perpetrator is a Clemson University student, a complaint may be filed with the Office of Community and Ethical Standards (OCES), which is responsible for resolving student conduct issues. Alesia Smith, Associate Dean and Director of OCES and the Deputy Title IX Coordinator, may be reached at 864-656-0510 or at

    Alleged Perpetrator is an Employee or other Nonstudent – If the alleged perpetrator is a Clemson University employee (faculty or staff), visitor to campus or other non-student, a complaint may be filed with the Office of Access and Equity. Jerry Knighton, Director of the Office of Access and Equity and Title IX Coordinator, may be reached at 864-656-3181 or


    Stalking is defined as a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others or suffer substantial emotional distress.


    Consent requires speech or conduct indicating a freely given, un-coerced agreement to engage in sexual contact. Consent may not be inferred from silence or passivity alone and a current or previous relationship is not sufficient to constitute consent. Consent may not be inferred due to the lack of physical resistance. Consent may be withdrawn at any time prior to or during a specific sexual act by either person. There are a number of factors which may limit or negate a person’s ability to consent to a sexual act. These include but are not limited to age, impairment due to the influence of alcohol or drugs (illegal or prescription), an intellectual or other disability, a person’s temporary or permanent mental or physical impairment, unconsciousness, fear and/or coercion.


    Crisis Counseling: Student victims of sexual violence can seek crisis counseling services through Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS). During normal business hours, CAPS can be contacted by calling 864-656-2451. After hours and on weekends, CAPS can be contacted by calling 864-656-2222 and asking for the CAPS on-call counselor. All victims of sexual violence may seek crisis counseling services through the Pickens County Advocacy Center at 864-442-5500 for assaults in Pickens County, or Foothills Alliance for assaults in Anderson and Oconee Counties at 864-231-7273.

    Employee Assistance Program: Faculty and staff may receive confidential, professional counseling services by calling 1-866-327-2400 or by visiting .

    CUPD Victim Assistance: The Clemson University Police Department can be contacted at 864-656- 2222. CUPD assists all campus crime victims with referrals, transportation, court familiarization and compensation.

    Redfern Health Center: Students may contact Redfern Health Center at 864-656-1541 and they are located at 735 McMillan Road, Clemson, SC. Medical providers will be able to assist student victims with making decisions regarding the most appropriate medical services. Redfern does not provide forensic exams.

    Other Resources