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Emeriti Honors and Awards
Award Programs
The Emeritus College awards program consists of three categories of awards and recognitions—for emeriti, for students and for providers. Additional awards and recognitions may be authorized at any time by action of the Emeritus College Advisory Board. Here are the current awards and recognitions.

Summary of each award type
Kennelly-Voss Distinguished Emeriti Award — Awarded annually to recognize an emeritus faculty member who has made outstanding contributions to the Emeritus College, Clemson University, the greater Clemson community and society.
Dwaine Eubanks Emeritus College Fellows – Many emeritus faculty members steadily render valuable service to the Emeritus College and Clemson University without compensation. The Emeritus College has long needed a mechanism for acknowledging the value of those contributions and providing a way to recognize those stalwarts at Emeritus College events. The designation of Emeritus College Fellow has been created to honor those individuals.
Emeritus Award for Community Service - This award was established by the Emeritus College Advisory Board to recognize emeritus faculty members who provide extraordinary service to the community or their professions outside the university and Emeritus College. The award will be presented in odd-numbered years.
Emeritus Award for Research and Scholarship - This award was established by the Emeritus College Advisory Board to recognize emeritus faculty members who continue to produce extraordinary research and scholarship, either in their discipline or in a new field. The award will be presented in even-numbered years.
Friend of the Emeritus College — An organization or individual recognized, with thanks, for providing valued service to the Emeritus College
Undergraduate Scholarships — Awarded annually to Clemson University students having the highest grade-point averages that do not have other scholarship support