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Membership Benefits
Benefits for Emeritus Faculty
A Place to Work and Meet
Computer-equipped workstations with printer access and secure storage are available for use by emeritus faculty 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Monday–Friday in the Emeritus College complex at 511 Westinghouse Road in Pendleton (the CAT Building). The complex includes a seminar room that will seat 60 people and can be configured for various uses. An open casual salon is available for small gatherings of faculty.
CCIT support staff are available by appointment for technology problem-solving Monday through Friday each week. To set up an appointment, send an email to ITHELP@clemson.edu.
Social Events and More
- Emeritus College seminars, workshops, and discussion groups
- Emeritus College social, recreational, and networking events
- Opportunities to collaborate with active faculty in research and teaching
- Free admission to all sporting events except men's basketball and football
Technology Benefits
Email Access
Emeritus College faculty members who have had Clemson email keep their addresses when they retire. Associate members are assigned a Clemson email username by CCIT. Access to your Clemson email will require username and password.
Benefits from CCIT
Emeritus faculty can get IT/computer help by emailing ITHELP@clemson.edu. In the subject line, type Emeritus College and CC: emerituscollege@clemson.edu. Your email communication creates a ticket which enables our IT department to track your questions, set-up appointments, and meet the overall needs of our emeritus faculty. An ITHELP ticket is the best way to track individual help requests.
For anyone who has lost access to their email account, please go online to complete the CCIT Help Request Form.
Additional links for CCIT support:

Cyber Wiser : Online Training
A channel to find video recorded training in various helpful IT related topics. Cyber Wiser - Bytes are screen recorded narrated CCIT videos for Emeritus Support, using a Windows or Mac computer showing how to do a certain IT related function. Video length is under 10 minutes. Subscribe to the channel within the link below to be notified of new future video[s] when added.
Click here for trainingCampus Benefits
On-campus Parking
On-campus parking is free to emeritus faculty who are not employed by Clemson University. Parking decals are valid from July 1 to June 30 each year. Parking decals for the current academic year should be ordered by mid-June to ensure uninterrupted parking privileges; however, the decal may be requested anytime throughout the year.
You will need to download the emeritus parking application. Mail a hard copy of your completed application attention "Emeritus Permit" at Parking Services (address in the upper left corner of the application), or email your completed application as an attachment to parking@clemson.edu. The decal will be mailed to your home address. If you have questions about obtaining your parking decal, please call or email our office at 864-656-3990 or emerituscollege@clemson.edu. The parking personnel asks that you do not stop by the office. Thank you for using their preferred system of mailing or emailing paperwork.
Faculty ID (TigerOne) Card
A Clemson faculty ID is required to access some emeritus faculty benefits. Once CU Human Resources confirms an individual's membership in the Emeritus College, an Emeritus TigerOne Card can be obtained online or by visiting the TigerOne office for $20. Your TigerOne card provides key access to the Emeritus College building. More information is available on the TigerOne website.
Other Great Benefits
- Library borrowing privileges
- Emeritus faculty business cards
- Fike Recreation Center privileges
- Bookstore and computer-store faculty discounts