The Future of Print Training

As VR and AR technologies continue to improve, the Sonoco Institute looks for unique ways to leverage them for use in the printing and packaging industries.
Our primary project is focused on developing an interactive print lab for workforce training and recruitment. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the printing industry has seen a 25% decrease in employment over the past 10 years. A cutting-edge solution is needed to attract talent to the workforce.
Imagine the impact of immersing potential talent and your audience in a virtual print world where they can completely interact with the printing process in a safe and portable environment. VR provides a cost-effective, zero-waste and scalable training platform where users can operate presses and practice with the tools found in traditional pressrooms, without risk.
The opportunities are "virtually" limitless!

STRIPE is also accessible online via a web browser, which is perfect for remote learning. The current model supports training on both an inline, narrow web flexographic press, as well as a wide-web central impression press.
Are you an educator looking to get involved and test out the beta version of STRIPE? Fill out the form below! We will reach out with more information.
Sponsor Opportunities
The Sonoco Institute is seeking partners for this initiative, which is a great opportunity to shine a light on your company's commitment to workforce development. A sponsorship level has been created to align your company's name with this groundbreaking technology and to help build a pipeline for talent in the printing industry.
Thank you to our current sponsors!

Leading Sponsor: $80k payable over 4 years
Name Recognition Opportunities:
- Announcement through Clemson media
- Opening screen of STRIPE module and wall of virtual pressroom
- Sonoco Institute VR web page (vr.sonocoinstitute.com)
- Annual graduate student award named in company's honor
Engagement Opportunities:
- Participate in beta testing and a project steering committee
- Advise the deployment strategy for talent recruitment and industry training
- Participate in platform presentations (when mutual interest and availability exists)
Email Bobby Congdon or call 864-650-2762 for more information.
STRIPE VR Demo Video
VR Webinar with FTA
CUshop™VR, extends our consumer behavior shop into the virtual space, allowing for great flexibility and control in a highly portable platform. Users are fully immersed in the virtual store where they can interact with all of the products, allowing them to pick up, inspect and place items in a shopping basket. Experience our color blindness simulation to study the search-and-attention behaviors of consumers with color deficiencies. Eye-tracking capabilities from our on-campus CUshop™ are integrated to perform consumer behavior studies on the go.
For more information about our VR applications and how you can partner with the Sonoco Institute, contact Bobby Congdon or Nate Newsome.
The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics
Copyright © Clemson University
The Sonoco Institute of Packaging Design and Graphics | 311 Harris A. Smith Building, Fernow Street, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634