Research Facilities
About Facilities
The Division of Research manages research facilities available for use by Clemson faculty and students from all departments, as well as by other educational institutions and the private sector. The facilities include state-of-the-art equipment, competitive rates and support from highly trained staff and directors. Visit the appropriate office below for more information. Clemson University uses iLab Organizer to reserve time to use the research facilities.
iLab Organizer
Aquatic Animal Research Lab
The Aquatic Animal Research Laboratory (AARL) is managed by the Office of Animal Resources to bring investigator led projects to fruition in an AAALAC accredited, PHS assured, USDA registered facility. AARL provides comprehensive support for research conducted at our facility, staffed with experienced technicians and veterinarians, and equipped with state-of-the-art culture systems, microscopy, and microinjection equipment for a variety of fish and other aquatic animal models.
Godley-Snell Research Center
The Godley-Snell Research Center (GSRC), managed by the Office of Animal Resources, is a cutting-edge facility with advanced imaging and surgical equipment, featuring two suites of individually ventilated isolation cubicles, rack systems, and large animal housing for various species. Experienced technicians and veterinarians provide full support for all research conducted at the facility.
Clemson Light Imaging Facility
The Clemson Light Imaging Facility (CLIF) is a multi-user research facility with a number of advanced light microscopes, including a Leica SP8X Multiphoton spectral confocal microscope, and a suite of Nikon microscopes. Additionally, the CLIF features cell sorting equipment, a multi-user specimen preparation laboratory and a dedicated classroom.
Electron Microscopy Facility
The Clemson University Electron Microscopy Facility houses some of the world’s most advanced scanning and transmission electron microscopes, as well as X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (XPS & AES), and other equipment. The facility is fully equipped with sample prep tools, and has a full-time Hitachi representative on site to ensure equipment is fully functional.