Kristen Joyce
Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Graduate Research Assistant
Educational Background
B.S., Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University, 2017
M.S., Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University, 2019
Profile/About Me
I am a Ph.D. student in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Clemson University. I have a background in algebra, specifically coding theory and cryptography, but I now work on projects in operations research.
Research Interests
Online Multicriteria Optimization
My research interests involve a combination of online optimization and multicriteria/multiobjective optimization. Online algorithms are learning algorithms, and we apply them to multicriteria problems where the multiple objective functions conflict with each other when optimizing.
Courses Taught
-MATH 2070 (Spring 2022, Fall 2022)
-MATH 1020 (Fall 2021)
-MATH 1010 (Fall 2020, Spring 2021)
Selected Talks
Set-based Regret For Online Multiobjective Optimization. 2022 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN (Oct. 2022)
Honors and Awards
- Women and Mathematics Ambassador for the Institute for Advanced Study (2018-2022)
- Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Outstanding Graduate Citizenship Award (May 2019)