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Woodland Cemetery Historic Preservation

Cemetery Project Contact Information

African American Burial Ground

For inquiries about the African American burial ground and ongoing historic preservation efforts, please contact

To share information about the African American burial ground, please call (864) 656-8855 or email If you believe you have a family member or know of someone else who may be buried in the African American burial ground, please contact us.

To request a group tour, email or use the tour registration form.

Fieldstones denoting graves in Woodland Cemetery.
Entrance sign for Woodland Cemetery

Woodland Cemetery Operations

For inquiries about the operations of Woodland Cemetery, please contact or (864) 656-8719.

Learn more about Woodland Cemetery Policies set by the Clemson University Board of Trustees.


For media inquiries, please contact or (864) 656-2061.

Explore the In the Media page to read more news coverage of the African American Burial Ground, A. P. Calhoun Family Plot, and Woodland Cemetery Historic Preservation Project.

White flags denoting unmarked graves sit in plot with a headstone at Woodland Cemetery.
The African American Burial Ground, A. P. Calhoun Family Plot, and Woodland Cemetery Historic Preservation Project
The African American Burial Ground, A. P. Calhoun Family Plot, and Woodland Cemetery Historic Preservation Project | The cemetery is located on Woodland Drive at the intersection of Williamson Road and S. Palmetto Boulevard on the Clemson University campus. The team's offices are located in Suite 220 in Sirrine Hall.