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Faculty and Staff Profile
K. Amber CurtisAssociate ProfessorOffice: 232 Brackett Hall Phone: 864-656-0213 Email: ACURTI2@clemson.edu Vita: View Personal Website: http://www.ambercurtis.com | |
Educational BackgroundPh.D. Political Science M.A. Political Science B.A. International Affairs & Political Science | Courses TaughtPOSC 1040 Introduction to Comparative Politics
ProfileI study comparative political behavior and psychology with an emphasis on identity politics. My work appears in The Journal of Politics, International Organization, Comparative Political Studies, Political Psychology, Research & Politics, European Union Politics, International Interactions, the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, the Journal of Contemporary Religion, and the Journal of European Integration. | |
Research InterestsMy research focuses primarily on the causes and consequences of identity, especially religious identification and superordinate identification with Europe. Additional interests include immigration attitudes, economic voting, and political disagreement. Research PublicationsCurtis, K. Amber, and Laura R. Olson. Forthcoming. “Religious Identification in a
Honors and AwardsNotre Dame Global Religion Research Initiative Book-Writing Leave Fellowship, 2019 – 2020
LinksPartisan Discord in the Family and Political Engagement: A Comparative Behavioral AnalysisIceland on the Rocks: The Mass Political Economy of Sovereign Debt Resettlement Inclusive versus Exclusive: A Cross-National Comparison of the Effects of Subnational, National, and Supranational Identity Personality's Effect on European Identification A (Supra)Nationalist Personality? The Big Five’s Effects on Political-Territorial Identification |