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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Heather Hensman Kettrey

Associate Professor of Sociology
Director of the Center for Criminal Justice and Social Research

Office: 130C Brackett Hall

Phone: 864-656-1107


Educational Background

PhD Sociology
Vanderbilt University 2014

Courses Taught

Evaluation Research
Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence
Sociology of Sex and Gender
Modern Intimate Relationships (formerly Marriage & Intimacy)
Creative Inquiry


Heather Hensman Kettrey (she/her/hers) is a sociologist whose research focuses on power, violence, and inequality specifically as they pertain to gender, sexuality, and race. She is Director of Clemson's Center for Criminal Justice and Social Research, Associate Editor of The Journal of Sex Research, and Incoming Editor of Annual Review of Sex Research. Dr. Kettrey’s research has been funded by the Bureau of Justice Administration, Campbell Collaboration, Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women, March of Dimes, and Spencer Foundation. She remains committed to using empirical science to understand and alleviate tangible social problems and is always looking for student research collaborators.

Research Interests

Substantive Areas of Specialization: Violence Prevention; Adolescence & Emerging Adulthood; Gender & Sexuality; Sexual Violence; Intimate Partner Violence; Gender-Based Violence; Sexual & Reproductive Health; Digital Media; Race & Racism; Collective Behavior

Methodological Areas of Specialization: Research Synthesis & Meta-Analysis; Program Evaluation; Survey Research; Media Content Analysis; Focus Groups and Interviews

Research Publications

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Noah S. Reynolds. Forthcoming. “Is Restorative Justice Appropriate for Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the 'Empirical Vacuum.'” Journal of Experimental Criminology. Published online ahead of print.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Summer Quinn, Monika Nwajei, Madison Leslie, Elizabeth Paradise, and Devyn Wishon. Forthcoming. “Why are You on Tinder if This isn’t What You Wanted?’ Dating Apps as Digital Brokers of Sexual Activity in the College Hookup Sexual Market.” New Media & Society. Published online ahead of print.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Summer Quinn, Claire Waddell, Jadarius Evans, Cadi Imbody, and Fabii Nunez-Garcia. 2024. ““A Woman, With No Evidence, Can Send Any Man to Jail Whenever She Wants’: Men’s Rights Activists’ Digital Narratives of a Culture of False Rape Allegations.” Sex Roles, 90:1616-1632.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Martie P. Thompson, Robert A. Marx, and Alyssa J. Davis. Forthcoming. “Who is Considered a Potential Victim, Perpetrator, or Bystander? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Research Evaluating Gender-Specific Campus Sexual Assault Prevention Programs Implemented in the United States." Trauma, Violence, and Abuse. Published online ahead of print.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Monika Nwajei, Summer Quinn, Madison Leslie, Elizabeth Paradise, and Devyn Wishon. Forthcoming. Gendered Affordances of Digital Technology in Mitigating the Perceived Risk of Dating App Matches Perpetrating Sexual Assault or ‘Making Stories’ of Assault.” Social Media & Society.Published online ahead of print.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Alyssa J. Davis, Jessica Britt, and Amy Crockett. Forthcoming. “Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Effects of Group Prenatal Care on Identification of Intimate Partner Violence: Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial of CenteringPregnancy. Journal of Family Violence. Published online ahead of print.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Robert A. Marx. Forthcoming. “Reluctance to Make a ‘Blind Faith Jump’: LGBTQ+ College Students’ Perspectives on Allies’ Barriers to Preventing Sexual Assault. The Journal of Sex Research. Published online ahead of print.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Michael L. Tidwell, Savannah R. Burke, Sarah Duncan, Monika Nwajei, Noah Samuel Reynolds, Claire Waddell, Sam Scott, Cadi Imbody, Mary Lightsey, Joffrey Young, Noor Nishan, Akanksha Rathi, and Jauhar Jackson. Forthcoming. “Crime Control or Just Theater? An Experimental Test of the Effects of a Mobile Safety App on Crime Prevention Intentions and Behaviors.” Journal of Experimental Criminology. Published online ahead of print.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Alyssa J. Davis, Madison Leslie, Summer Quinn, Cat Flood, Erin Jones, Taylor Behuniak, Garland Vinson, Eliana Lazzara, Piper Koontz, Kayley Degrappo, Devyn Wishon, and Grace Brown. Forthcoming. “Training Bar Staff to Serve as Active Bystanders in the Prevention of Substance-Involved Sexual Assault: A Quasi-Experimental Field Evaluation of Behavioral Effects of the Raise the Bar Program.” Journal of Sexual Aggression. Published online ahead of print.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Martie, P. Thompson, Robert A. Marx, and Alyssa J. Davis. Forthcoming. “Effects of Campus Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Programs on Psychological and Physical Violence Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” Journal of Experimental Criminology. Advance online publication.

Davis, Alyssa J. and Heather Hensman Kettrey. 2024. “Undoing Violence in the Manosphere: Incels’ Disengagement from Extremism in Digital Free Spaces.” Mobilization, 28(4): 491-507.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Martie, P. Thompson, Robert A. Marx, and Alyssa J. Davis. 2023. “The Effects of Campus Sexual Assault Prevention Programs on Attitudes and Behaviors Among American College Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” Journal of Adolescent Health, 72:831-844.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Amanda M. Callahan. 2023. “Can Attitudes Serve as Proxies for Behavioral Outcomes of Teen Dating Violence Prevention Programs? Broader Lessons from a Pilot Evaluation of the Relationship Education Project.” Violence & Victims, 38:289-304.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Alyssa J. Davis, Jessica Liberman, and Alyssa Seaman. 2023. “Taking the Test: Participation in a Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Exam as an Indicator of Victim Cooperation with the Criminal Justice System and a Predictor of Suspect Arrest.” Justice Quarterly, 40:385-402.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Martie P. Thompson. 2022. "Can a Technology-Amplified Bystander Effect Impede Sexual Assault Prevention? Findings from an Experimental Vignette Study." Journal of School Violence, 22:138-151.

Davis, Alyssa J., and Heather Hensman Kettrey. 2022. "Clear and Omnipresent Danger: Digital Age Culture Wars and Reactions to Drag Queen Story Hour across Diverse Subreddit Communities." Social Currents,9:25-44.

Birchmore, Ansley and Heather Hensman Kettrey. 2022. “Exploring the Boundaries of the Parasocial Contact Hypothesis: An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of the ‘Bury Your Gays’ Media Trope on Homophobic and Sexist Attitudes.” Feminist Media Studies,22.:1311-1327.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Alyssa J. Davis, and Jessica Liberman. 2021. "'Consent is F#@cking Required:' Hashtag Feminism Surrounding Sexual Consent in a Culture of Postfeminist Contradictions." Social Media & Society,7.:1-11.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Kimberly Shaffer, and Sarah King. 2021. "Evaluating Physical Activity and Quality of Life for Older Adults through Walk With Ease." Archives of Rheumatology & Arthritis Research. doi: 10.33552/ARAR.2021.01.000522

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Katarzyna T. Steinka-Fry. 2021. "Effects of March of Dimes Supportive Pregnancy Care on Social Support and Postpartum Depression." Health Education & Behavior, 48, 670-679.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Aubrey D. Johnson. 2021. "Hooking Up and Pairing Off: Correlates of College Students' Interest in Subsequent Hookups and Romantic Relationships with Other-Sex and Same-Sex Hookup Partners." The Journal of Sex Research, 58, 915-942.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Robert A. Marx. 2021. “Effects of Sexual Assault Bystander Programs on Promoting Intervention Skills and Combatting the Bystander Effect: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Journal of Experimental Criminology, 17, 343-367.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Katarzyna T. Steinka-Fry. 2020. “Effects of March of Dimes Supportive Pregnancy Care on Maternal and Infant Health across Diverse Patient Populations: A Quasi-Experimental Multi-Site Pilot Study.” Prevention Science, 21:293-307.

Forber-Pratt, Anjali. J., G. Joey Merrin, Carlyn O. Mueller, Larry R. Price, and Heather Hensman Kettrey. 2020. “Initial Factor Exploration of Disability Identity.” Rehabilitation Psychology, 65:1-10.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Robert A. Marx. 2019. "Does the Gendered Approach of Bystander Programs Matter in the Prevention of Sexual Assault among Adolescents and College Students? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis." Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48:2037-2053.

Murry, Velma McBride, Heather Hensman Kettrey, Cady Berkel, and Misha Inniss-Thompson. 2019. "The Pathways for African American Success (PAAS): Does Delivery Platform Matter in the Prevention of HIV Risk Vulnerability among Youth?" Journal of Adolescent Health, 65:255-261.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman, Robert A. Marx, and Emily Tanner-Smith. 2019. "Effects of Bystander Programs on the Prevention of Sexual Assault among Adolescents and College Students: A Systematic Review." Campbell Systematic Reviews, 1.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Robert A. Marx. 2019. "The Effects of Bystander Programs on the Prevention of Sexual Assault Across the College Years: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48:212-227.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman. 2018. "Activism without Activists: News Media Coverage of Youth as Illegitimate Political Agents in the Virginity Pledge Movement and Gay-Straight Alliances." Mobilization, 23:349-364.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Mark W. Lipsey. 2018. "The Effects of Specialized Treatment on the Recidivism of Juvenile Sex Offenders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Journal of Experimental Criminology, 14:361-387.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman. 2018. "Bad Girls Say No and Good Girls Say Yes: Sexual Subjectivity and Participation in Undesired Sex during Heterosexual College Hookups." Sexuality & Culture, 22:685-705.

Brown, Tony N., Heather Hensman Kettrey, and Ebony M. Duncan. 2018. "Relative Deprivation and Perceived Inefficacy of the Civil Rights Movement and of Black Elected Officials." Social Science Quarterly, 99:553-562.

Brown, Tony N., Ebony M. Duncan, and Heather Hensman Kettrey. 2017. "Black Nationalist Tendencies and their Association with Perceived Inefficacy of the Civil Rights Movement and of Black Elected Officials." Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 3:188-201.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman. 2016. "What's Gender Got to Do With It? Sexual Double Standards and Power in Heterosexual College Hookups. "The Journal of Sex Research, 53:754-765.

Marx, Robert A. and Heather Hensman Kettrey. 2016. "Gay-Straight Alliances are Associated with Lower Levels of School-Based Victimization of LGBTQ+ Youth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis." Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45: 269-282.

Carpenter, Laura M. and Heather Hensman Kettrey. 2015. "(Im)perishable Pleasure, (In)destructible Desire: Sexual Themes in US and English News Coverage of Male Circumcision and Female Genital Cutting." The Journal of Sex Research, 52:841-856.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Whitney N. Laster. 2014. "Staking Territory in the World White Web: An Exploration of the Roles of Overt and Colorblind Racism in Maintaining Racial Boundaries on a Popular Website." Social Currents, 1:257-274.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman. 2013. Reading Playboy for the Articles: The Graying of Rape Myths in Black and White Text, 1953 - 2003. Violence Against Women, 19(8):969-995.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Beth C. Emery. 2010. Teen Magazines as Educational Texts on Dating Violence: The $2.99 Approach. Violence Against Women, 16(11):1270-1294.

Kettrey, Heather Hensman and Beth C. Emery. 2006. The Discourse of Sibling Violence. Journal of Family Violence, 21:407-416.

Honors and Awards

2021-2022 Clemson University Commission on Women – Faculty Award of Excellence for the Advancement of Women

2019-2020 Clemson University College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences Award of Excellence in Research - Emerging Scholar.

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall