Research InterestsMy research focuses on Occupational Health Psychology - the application of theories and methods of psychology to the study of worker safety, health, and well-being. Most of my current research focuses on (1) economic stressors (such as job insecurity, debt, and perceived income inadequacy) and workplace health, (2) building organizational climates that enhance worker safety, health, and well-being, and (3) organizational science and the changing employment relationship. Please see my personal webpage (linked above) for a detailed description of these research programs and a complete list of my scholarly activities. For prospective graduate students, please note that I do not recruit graduate students for my military research. Research PublicationsBooks
Leka, S., & Sinclair, R. R. (Eds.) (2014). Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology: Global Perspectives on Research and Practice (Volume 3). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Sinclair, R. R., & Britt, T. W. (Eds.) (2013). Building Psychological Resilience in Military Personnel: Theory and Practice. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
Sinclair, R. R., Wang, M., & Tetrick, L. E. (Eds.) (2012). Research Methods in Occupational Health Psychology: Measurement, Design, and Data Analysis. New York, NY: Routledge.
Houdmont, J., Leka, S., & Sinclair, R. R. (Eds.) (2012). Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology: Global Perspectives on Research and Practice (Volume 2). Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
Refereed Articles
Baker, A., Patterson, J., Watson, G. P., & Sinclair, R. R. (Accepted). Economic stress and healthcare adherence: The influence of job insecurity and income adequacy. Sage Open.
Graham, B. A., & Sinclair, R. R. (Accepted). The relationship between dispositional affectivity, perceived income adequacy, and financial strain: An analysis of financial stress perceptions. Psychological Reports.
Graham, B. A., Sinclair, R. R., & Sliter, M. (In press). Job insecurity and health and well-being: What happens when you really need or love your job? Economic and Industrial Democracy.
Riviere, L., Sinclair, R. R., & Graham, B. A. (2024). Financial hardship, positive financial behavior, and behavioral health outcomes among U.S. Soldiers. Journal of Military, Veteran, and Family Health, 10, 67-87.
Graham, B. A., & Sinclair, R. R. (2024). The chains of the past: A life course perspective on childhood adversity and organizational attitudes and behaviors. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 155-173.
Graham, B. A., Sears, L., Cheung, J., Chodavarapu, S., Sinclair, R. R. (2024). Money on my mind: Financial stress and the role of hardiness. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 35, 96-108.
Black, K. J., Sinclair, R. R., Graham, B. A., Sawhney, G., & Munc, A. (2024). The weight of debt: Relationships between debt, income, and employee experiences. Journal of Business and Psychology, 39, 45-64.
Sinclair, R. R., Graham, B.A., & Probst, T. M. (2024). Economic stress and occupational health. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 11, 423-451.
Fulmer, C. B., & Sinclair, R. R. (2023). Burnout among Pastors in relation to congregation member and church organization outcomes. Review of Religious Research, 65, 62-90.
Riviere, L. & Sinclair, R. R. (2023). Validity and reliability estimation of the Brief Marital Screening Tool. Contemporary Family Therapy, 45, 24-35.
Sinclair, R. R., Sawhney, G., Jones, K. O., Pittman, M. A., Watson, G.P., & Bittner, M. (2023). Resilience-related resources predict physicians’ fatigue, job search behavior and productivity outcomes. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 65, 292-299.
Watson, G. P. Sinclair, R. R. (2023). Getting crafty: Examining social resource crafting’s relationship with work engagement and social support. Stress and Health, 39, 588-599.
Bergman, M., Gaskins, V. A., Allen, T., Cheung, H. K., Hebl, M., King, E. B., Sinclair, R. R., Suita, R., Wolfe, C., & Zelin, A. I. (2023). The Dobbs Decision and the future of occupational health in the US. Editorial/Commentary for Occupational Health Science, 7, 1-37.
Sawhney, G., Delongchamp, A., Sinclair, R. R., Britt, T. W. (2023). Daily expression of workaholism and family outcomes: The buffering and magnifying effects of economic resources. Stress and Health, 39, 74-86.
Klinefelter, Z., Sinclair, R. R., Britt, T., Sawhney, G., Black, K., & Munc, A. (2021). Psychosocial safety climate and stigma: Reporting stress-related concerns at work. Stress and Health, 37, 488-503.
Watson, G. P., Kistler, L.D., Graham, B.A., & Sinclair, R. R. (2021). Looking at the gig picture: Defining gig work and explaining profile differences in gig workers’ job demands and resources. Group and Organization Management, 46, 327-361.
Sawhney, G., Britt, T. W., Sinclair, R. R., Mohr, C. D, & Wilson, C. A. (2020). Is commitment to one’s profession always a good thing? Exploring the moderating role of occupational commitment in the association between work events and occupational health. Journal of Career Assessment, 28, 551-570.
Sinclair, R. R., Probst, T., Watson, G. P., Bazzoli, A. (2020). Caught between Scylla and Charybdis: How economic stressors and occupational risk factors influence workers’ occupational health reactions to COVID-19. Applied Psychology an International Review, 70, 85-119. (invited paper for special COVID-19 issue).
Sinclair, R.R., Allen, T., Barber, L. Bergman, M., Britt, T. Butler, A., Ford, M., Hammer, L., Kath, L. Probst, T., & Yuan, Z. (2020) Occupational Health Science in the Time of COVID-19: Now more than Ever. Editorial/Commentary for Occupational Health Science, 4, 1-22.
Schwatka, N.V., Sinclair, R. R., Fan, W., Dally, M., Shore, E., Brown, C., Tenney, L., & Newman, L.S. (2020). How does organizational climate motivate employee safe and healthy behavior in small businesses? A Self Determination Theory perspective. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 62, 350-358.
Sinclair, R.R., Allen, T., Barber, L. Bergman, M., Britt, T. Butler, A., Ford, M., Hammer, L., Kath, L. Probst, T., & Yuan, Z. (2020) Occupational Health Science in the Time of COVID-19: Now more than Ever. Editorial/Commentary for Occupational Health Science, 4, 1-22.
Schwatka, N.V., Sinclair, R. R., Fan, W., Dally, M., Shore, E., Brown, C., Tenney, L., & Newman, L.S. (2020). How does organizational climate motivate employee safe and healthy behavior in small businesses? A Self Determination Theory perspective. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 62, 350-358.
Root, C., DeVol, T., Sinclair, R. R., & Martinez, N. E. (2020). A mixed methods approach for improving radiation safety culture in open-source university laboratories. Health Physics, 118, 427-437.
Sinclair, R. R., Paulson, A. L., & Riviere, L. A. (2019). The resilient spouse: Understanding factors associated with dispositional resilience among military spouses. Military Behavioral Health, 7, 376-390.
Starkey, A., Cadiz, D., Mohr, C. D., & Sinclair, R. R. (2019). Gratitude reception and health: Examining the mediating role of satisfaction with patient care in a sample of acute care nurses. Journal of Positive Psychology, 14, 779-788.
Lee, J., Sinclair, R. R., Huang, E., Cheung, J. (2019). Outcomes of safety climate in trucking: A longitudinal framework. Journal of Business and Psychology, 34, 865-878.
Baranik, L. E., Cheung, J. H., Sinclair, R. R., Lance, C. E. (2019). What happens when employees are furloughed? A resource loss perspective. Journal of Career Development, 46, 381-394.
Black, K., Sinclair, R. R., Munc, A., & Cheung, J. (2019). Stigma at work: The psychological costs and benefits of the pressure to work safety. Journal of Safety Research, 70, 181-191.
Yuan, Z., Baranik, L. E., & Sinclair, R. R. (2019). Let's talk about death at work. Harvard Business Review, online only.
Yuan, Z., Baranik, L. E., Sinclair, R. R., Sliter, M. T., Rand, K. L., & Salyers, M. P. (2019). Memento mori: The development and validation of the Death Reflection Scale. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40, 417-433.
Sawhney, G., Sinclair, R. R., Cox, A. R., Munc, A. H., Sliter, M. T., (2018). One climate or many: Examining the structural distinctiveness of safety, health, and stress prevention climate measures. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60, 1015-1025.
Yang, L. Q., Sliter, M. T., Cheung, J. H., Sinclair, R. R., & Mohr, C.D. (2018). The dark side of helping: Does returning the favor from coworkers hurt employee work engagement? Journal of Business and Psychology, 33, 741-760.
Probst, T., Sinclair, R. R., Sears, L. E., Gailey, N., Jennings-Black, K., & Cheung, J. H. (2018). Economic stress and well-being: Does population health context matter? Journal of Applied Psychology, 103, 959-979.
Yueng-hsiang, E. H., Sinclair, R. R., Lee, J., McFadden, A., Cheung, J. H., & Murphy, L. A. (2018). Does talking the talk matter? Effects of supervisor safety communication and safety climate on long-haul truckers' safety performance. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 117, 357-367.
Wright, K. M., Foran, H. M., Eckford, R., & Sinclair, R. R. (2017). Child mental health symptoms following parental deployment. The impact of parental posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, marital distress, and general aggression. Sage OPEN, 7, 1-10.
Sinclair, R. R. (2017). Inaugural editorial: Help on the way. Occupational Health Science, 1, 1-10.
Cheung, J. H., Burns, D., Sinclair, R. R., & Sliter, M. (2017). Amazon Mechanical Turk in organizational psychology: An evaluation and practical recommendations. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32, 347-361.
Switzer, F. S., Cheung, J. H., Burns, D. K., Sinclair, R. R., Roth, P., McCubbin, J., & Tyler. P. (2017). Carrots, not sticks: Adverse impact and wellness programs. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 59, 250-255.
Sinclair, R. R., & Cheung, J. H. (2016). Money matters: Recommendations for financial stress research in occupational health psychology. Invited contribution to Stress & Health, 32, 181-193.
Jones, M. D., Sliter, M., & Sinclair, R. R. (2016). Overload and cutbacks and freezes, Oh my! The relative effects of recession-related stressors on employee outcomes. Stress & Health, 32, 629-635.
Sinclair, R. R., Sliter, M., & Mohr, C. D. (2016). Burnout and work engagement in nurses: Reply to Bianchi. Research in Nursing and Health, 39, 12-14.
Britt, T. W., Shen, W., Sinclair, R. R., Grossman, M., & Klieger, D. (2016). How much do we really know about resilience in organizational settings? Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice (Focal Article), 9, 378-404.
Jennings, K., Sinclair, R. R., & Mohr, C. D. (2016). Who benefits from family support? Work schedule and family differences. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 21, 51-64.
Cheung, J. H., Sinclair, R. R., Shi, J., Wang, M., (2015). Do job demands of Chinese manufacturing employees predict positive or negative outcomes? A test of competing hypotheses. Stress and Health, 31, 432-442.
Sinclair, R. R., Sliter, M., Mohr, C. D., Sears, L. E., Deese, M. N., Wright, R., R., Cadiz, D., & Jacobs, L. (2015). Bad versus good, what matters more on the treatment floor? Relations of positive and negative events with burnout and engagement. Research in Nursing and Health, 38, 475-491.
Wright, R. R., Mohr, C. D., Sinclair, R. R., & Yang, L-Q. (2015). Sometimes less is more: Directed coping with interpersonal stressors at work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36, 786-805.
Sinclair, R. R., Cheung, J. H., Arpin, S. N., & Mohr, C. D. (2015). Personal benefits of strong community ties: Health, engagement, and retention. Journal of Community Psychology, 43, 778-793.
Baughman, B. C., Basso, M. R., Sinclair, R. R., Combs, D. R., & Roper, B. L. (2015). Staying on the job: The relationship between work performance and cognition in individuals diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Neuropsychology, 37, 630-640.
Sliter, K. A., Sinclair, R. R., Cheung, J. H., & McFadden, A. C., (2014). Initial evidence for the buffering effect of physical activity on the relationship between workplace stressors and individual outcomes. International Journal of Stress Management, 21, 348-360.
Sliter, M., Boyd, L., Sinclair, R. R., Cheung, J. H., & McFadden, A. (2014). Inching toward inclusiveness: Diversity climate, interpersonal conflict and well-being in women nurses. Sex Roles, 71, 43-54.
McGurk, D., Sinclair, R. R., Thomas, J., Merrill, J., Bliese, P., & Castro, C. A. (2014). Destructive and supportive leadership in Extremis: Relationships with post-traumatic stress during combat deployments. Military Behavioral Health, 2, 240-256.
Sliter, M., Sinclair, R. R., Zhuang, W., & Mohr, C. D. (2014). Don't fear the reaper: Effects of trait death anxiety on burnout and engagement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99, 759-769
Wright, R. R., Mohr, C. D., & Sinclair, R. R. (2014). Conflict on the treatment floor: A qualitative investigation of interpersonal conflict experienced by nurses. Journal of Research in Nursing, 19, 26-37.
Wittmer, J., Sinclair, R. R., Martin, J. E., Tucker, J., Lange, J. (2013). Shared aggression concerns and organizational outcomes: The moderating role of resource constraints. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34, 370-388.
Martin, J. E., Sinclair, R. R., Lelchook, A., Wittmer, J., & Charles, K. E. (2012). Nonstandard work schedules and retention in the entry-level hourly workforce. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 85, 1-22.
Book Chapters/Encyclopedia Entries
Michel, J. S., Sawhney, G., Watson, G. P., & Sinclair, R. R. (Forthcoming). Crowdsourcing: A modern tool for robust research sampling. In N. Bowling, M. K. Shoss, & Z. Zhou (Eds). How to Conduct and Publish High-Quality Research in Industrial-Organizational Psychology. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Sinclair, R. R., Graham, B. A., Probst, T. M., & Gorgens, G. (Forthcoming). Socioeconomic Status, Economic Stress, and Workplace Outcomes. In J.B. Olson-Buchanan, J. B. Scott, & L. L. Foster (Eds). Sustainable Development through the World of Work. Translating Insights from Organizational Psychology.
Sinclair, R. R., Graham, B. A., & Probst, T.M. (2024). Economic stress. In M. Bal (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Organizational Psychology (pp 184-189). Edward Eligar Publishing Ltd.
Sinclair, R. R., Britt, T. W., & Watson, G. P. (2023). Psychological well-being and occupational health: Caught in the quicksand or standing on a firm foundation? In. L. E. Tetrick, Fisher, G. G., Ford, M. T., & Quick, J. C. (Eds.) Handbook of Occupational Health Psychology (3rd ed.). American Psychological Association
Sinclair, R. R., Graham, B., Kistler, L., Pool, M., Sperry, D., & Watson, G. P. (2023). Healthy Careers: An occupational health psychology perspective. In W. B. Walsh, L. Y. Flores, P. J. Hartung, & F. T. L. Leong (Eds.). Career Psychology: Models, Concepts, and Counseling for Meaningful Employment (pp. 535-559). American Psychological Association.
Sinclair, R. R., Graham, B., Kistler, L., Pool, M., Sperry, D., & Watson, G. P. (2023). Healthy Careers: An occupational health psychology perspective. In W. B. Walsh, L. Y. Flores, P. J. Hartung, & F. T. L. Leong (Eds.). Career Psychology: Models, Concepts, and Counseling for Meaningful Employment (pp. 535-559). American Psychological Association.
Sinclair, R. R., & Watson, G. P. (2022). Occupational Health Psychology. In R. A. R. Gurung (Ed.) Routledge Handbook of Psychology in the Real World. New York: Routledge.
Sinclair, R. R., Johnson, E., & Watson, G. P. (2022). Economic Stress and Occupational Health Psychology. In R. A. R. Gurung (Ed.) Routledge Handbook of Psychology in the Real World. New York: Routledge.
Tetrick, L. E., Sinclair, R. R., Sawhney, G., & Chen, T. (2020). We’ve got (safety) issues: Current methods and potential future directions in safety climate research. Research Methods in Human Resource Management. Toward Valid Research-Based Inferences (pp. 197-228). Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, NC.
Sinclair, R. R., Morgan, J., & Johnson, E. (2020). Implications of the changing nature of work for employee health and safety. In B. J. Hoffman, M. Shoss, & L. A. Wegman (Eds.). The Cambridge Handbook of the Changing Nature of Work (pp 489-508). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Sinclair, R. R., Cheung, J. H., & Cox, A. (2017). Defining healthy schools: An occupational health psychology perspective on healthy school climates. In T.M. McIntyre, S. E. McIntyre, & D. J. Francis, (Eds.), Educator Stress: An Occupational Health Perspective (pp. 293-313). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-319-53051-2
Probst, T. M., Sinclair, R. R., & Cheung, J. H. (2017). Economic stressors and well-being at work: Multilevel considerations. In C. Cooper & M. Leiter (Eds.). Routledge Companion to Well-being at Work (pp 121-134). New York: Routledge.
Sinclair, R. R., & Cheung, J. H. (2017). The right stuff: Individual characteristics that promote resilience. In M. Crane (Ed.). Managing for Resilience: A Practical Guide to employee wellbeing and organizational performance (pp. 15-31). London, UK: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Sinclair, R. R., & Oliver, C. M. (2016). Hardiness. In S. Rogelberg (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Industrial/Organizational Psychology (2nd Ed.). London: Sage.
Sinclair, R. R. & Cheung, J. H. (2015). Occupational health. In S. K. Whitbourne (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging (pp. 993-997). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781118528921.wbeaa166
Sinclair, R. R., Stanyar, K. R., McFadden, A. C., Brawley, A. M., & Huang, E., (2014). The role of communication in occupational safety and health management. In V. D. Miller & M. E. Gordon (Eds.) Meeting the Challenges of Human Resource Management: A Communication Perspective (pp. 179-191). New York, NY: Routledge.
Sinclair, R. R., & Britt, T. W. (2013). Military resilience: Remaining questions and concluding comments. In R. R. Sinclair & T. W. Britt (Eds.). Building Psychological Resilience in Military Personnel: Theory and Practice (pp. 237-251). Washington, DC: APA Books.
Britt, T. W., Sinclair, R. R., & McFadden, A. C. (2013). Introduction: The meaning and importance of military resilience. In R. R. Sinclair & T. W. Britt (Eds.). Building Psychological Resilience in Military Personnel: Theory and Practice (pp. 3-17). Washington, DC: APA Books.
Sinclair, R. R., Waitsman, M., Oliver, C. M., & Deese, N. (2013). Personality and psychological resilience in military personnel. In R. R. Sinclair & T. W. Britt (Eds.). Building Psychological Resilience in Military Personnel: Theory and Practice (pp. 21-46). Washington, DC: APA Books.
Sinclair, R. R., Probst, T. M., Hammer, L. B., & Schaffer, M. M. (2013). Low income families and occupational health: Implications for work-family conflict research and practice. In A. Antoniou & C. Cooper, (Eds.). The Psychology of the Recession on the Workplace (pp. 308-324). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
Jiang, L., Probst, T. M., & Sinclair, R. R. (2013). Perceiving and responding to job insecurity: The importance of multilevel contexts. In A. Antoniou & C. Cooper, (Eds.). The Psychology of the Recession on the Workplace (pp. 176-195). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
Sinclair, R. R., Wang, M., & Tetrick, L. E. (2012). Looking toward the future of occupational health psychology research. In R. R. Sinclair, M. Wang, & L. E. Tetrick (Eds.). Research Methods in Occupational Health Psychology: Measurement, Design, and Data Analysis (pp. 395-414). New York: Psychology Press/Routledge.
Wang, M., Sinclair, R. R., Zhou, L., & Sears, L. E. (2012). Person-centered analysis: Methods, applications, and implications for Occupational Health Psychology. In R. R. Sinclair, M. Wang, & L. E. Tetrick (Eds.). Research Methods in Occupational Health Psychology: Measurement, Design, and Data Analysis (pp. 349-373). New York: Psychology Press/Routledge.
Landsbergis, P., Sinclair, R. R., Dobson, M., Hammer, L. B., Jauregui, M., Olson, R., Schnall, P. L., Stellman, J., & Warren, N. (2011). Occupational health psychology. In Anna, D. (Ed.). The Occupational environment: Its evaluation control and management (3rd Ed.). American Industrial Hygiene Association White Book (pp. 1086-1127). American Industrial Hygiene Association.
Sinclair, R. R., & Charles, K. E. (2011). Non-standard work schedules and retention management. In A. Antoniou & C. Cooper, (Eds.) New Directions in Organizational Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: Psychological and Behavioral Aspects of Risk (pp. 259-285). Burlington, VT: Gower. Honors and AwardsClemson Libraries Undergraduate Research Award (2nd place) for Watson, G. P., Pool, M. J., Bardell, C., Haley, D., Hammond, E., Icard, G., Mattison, E., Patterson, J., Quast, K., Ricottilli, M., Strinsky, C., Tellur, S., & Sinclair, R. R. (2023, April). What is Well-Being? A Systematic Review., Poster presentation at the 6th Annual Clemson University Student Research Forum, Clemson, SC.
Department of Psychology Outstanding Contribution to the Literature award for: Sinclair, R.R., Allen, T., Barber, L. Bergman, M., Britt, T. Butler, A., Ford, M., Hammer, L., Kath, L. Probst, T., & Yuan, Z. (2020) Occupational Health Science in the time of COVID-19: Now more than ever. Editorial/Commentary for Occupational Health Science, 4, 1-22.
Keynote Speaker (November, 2022). Economic Stress and Occupational Health. 69th Annual Conference of the Puerto Rico Psychological Association, Ponce, Puerto Rico.
Group & Organization Management (2022). Best Conceptual Paper for 2021. For Watson, G. P., Kistler, L.D., Graham, B.A., & Sinclair, R. R. (2021). Looking at the gig picture: Defining gig work and explaining profile differences in gig workers’ job demands and resources. Group and Organization Management, 46, 327-361.
Invited Address (December, 2021). Economic Stress. 8th International Conference of Stress, Performance and Health. International Stress Management Association. (Virtual).
Clemson University College of Behavioral, Health, and Social Sciences Award of Excellence for Research: Senior Scholar (2021).
Invited address. Sixteenth Annual River Cities Industrial Organizational Psychology Conference. For Sinclair, R. R. (2020). The role of organizational climate in creating a safe and healthy work environment.
Department of Psychology Distinguished Contribution to the literature award for: Cheung, J. H., Burns, D., Sinclair, R. R., & Sliter, M. (2017). Amazon Mechanical Turk in organizational psychology: An evaluation and practical recommendations. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32, 347-361.
College of Behavioral, Health, and Social Sciences 2019 Outstanding Journal Publication Recognition for: Cheung, J. H., Burns, D., Sinclair, R. R., & Sliter, M. (2017). Amazon Mechanical Turk in organizational psychology: An evaluation and practical recommendations. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32, 347-361.
Journal of Business and Psychology 2017 Editor's Commendation Award. For: Cheung, J. H., Burns, D., Sinclair, R. R., & Sliter, M. (2017). Amazon Mechanical Turk in organizational psychology: An evaluation and practical recommendations. Journal of Business and Psychology, 32, 347-361.
Department of Psychology 2016 Outstanding Faculty Publication. For Britt, T. W., Shen, W., Sinclair, R. R., Grossman, M., & Klieger, D. (2016). How much do we really know about resilience in organizational settings? Industrial-Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice (Focal Article), 9, 378-404.
Invited Keynote Address (September, 2016). Promoting positive work experiences in nursing: Models and evidence. Annual Conference of the Association for Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare. Myrtle Beach, SC.
Invited Address (April, 2016). Occupational Health Psychology. Third Occupational Health Psychology Symposium Work and Health in Uncertain Times: Economic Stressors, Psychosocial Risks and Resilience. University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras.
First Place, Poster Competition, 2016 SPSP Happiness and Well-Being Preconference for Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Starkey, A. R., Mohr, C. D., & Sinclair, R. R. (2016, January). Weekly sleep quality and gratitude expressions for acute care nurses: The mediating role of satisfaction with patient care.
Invited Address. (July 2015). Creating a climate for health. 4th Annual Occupational Health Psychology Summer Institute. CN Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, Halifax, CA.
Fellow. American Psychological Association. Inducted at Annual Conference of the American Psychological Association (August, 2014). Washington, DC.
College of Business and Behavioral Science Distinguished Accomplishment Award. (August 2014). Clemson, SC.
Clemson University Graduate Student Excellence in Mentorship Award (August 2014). Clemson, SC.
Invited Address (July, 2014). Economic stress: A primer for occupational health researchers. 3rd Annual Occupational Health Psychology Summer Institute. Portland State University, Portland, OR.
Fellow. Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology. Inducted at Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (May 2014). Honolulu, HI.
Distinguished Contribution to Occupational Health Psychology Award. Received from the Society for Occupational Health Psychology, NIOSH, and the American Psychological Association at Work Stress and Health 2011: Work and Well-being in an Economic Context (May, 2011). Orlando, FL.
Keynote Speaker. Eighth annual River Cities Industrial Organizational Psychology Conference. For R. R. Sinclair (October, 2010). The economic context of occupational health psychology. Chattanooga, TN.
Best Paper Award. Human Resources Management Division of the annual conference of the Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management for Martin, J. E., Sinclair, R. R., Lelchook, A., Wittmer, J., & Charles, K. E. (October, 2010). Working different shifts and employee retention. San Diego, CA.
Keynote Speaker. Ninth Conference of the European Association for Occupational Health Psychology, Sinclair, R. R. (March, 2010). Money, models, and mental health: Implications of economic stress for Occupational Health Psychology. Rome, Italy.
Keynote Speaker. XIth European Conference on Organizational Psychology and Human Service Work: New challenges and interventions in human services. Sinclair, R. R. (October, 2009). Promoting positive work experiences in nursing: Models, outcomes, and interventions. ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal.
LinksSociety for Occupational Health Psychology
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
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