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Faculty and Staff Profile
Arelis Moore de PeraltaAssistant ProfessorOffice: 2078 Barre Hall Phone: 864-656-0719 Fax: 864-656-6281 Email: ared@clemson.edu Vita: View | |
Educational BackgroundPh.D. International Family and Community Studies M.Ed. Higher Education M.P.H. Public Health with a concentration in Epidemiology M.D. Medical Doctor | Courses TaughtGraduate Courses
ProfileArelis Moore de Peralta (MEd, MPH, MD, Dominican Republic; PhD, Clemson) is a medical epidemiologist and social scientist with experience in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research; particularly on health disparities among Hispanics in the US and Latin-America and the Caribbean. Dr. Moore is currently an assistant professor with an inter-disciplinary joint appointment between the Department of Languages and Department of Youth, Family and Community Studies (YFCS) at Clemson University. Dr. Moore is also the Internal Evaluation Team Coordinator for NSF funded Tigers Advance project. Dr. Moore current inter-disciplinary research includes community-engaged research and partnership to build healthier communities in the Dominican Republic, as well as addressing U.S. Hispanics’ health disparities through development of a culturally and linguistically appropriate measurement tool to assess partnership trust as an outcome of community-based participatory health research and interventions. Prior, she was the director of the Center for Community Services (CCS), an activity of CU/IFNL located in Simpsonville, SC, and the Hispanic family outreach and support program Café Cultura. Dr. Moore de Peralta has published on behavioral health and community-based participatory research in peer-review journals including Hispanic Health Care International, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, GHS Proceedings, Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, American Journal of Infection Control, and South Carolina Nurse. Dr. Moore received the Vera Paster Award in October 2009, by the American Orthopsychiatric Association in recognition of her work with Latino immigrants, and she received the Kimbrough-Melton Parents Award in April 2010. She also received a Graduate Student Advising and Mentoring Award from the College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences in 2015, and Bradley Mentoring Award on Creative Inquiry in 2018. Dr. Moore formerly was a faculty member in the School of Medicine at the Ibero-American University (UNIBE) in Santo Domingo. She coordinated disease preventative and control programs in the Ministry of Public Health in the Dominican Republic and for the Panamerican Health Organization (PAHO). She also participated in the Caribbean health surveillance programs of the Centers for Disease Control. | |
Research InterestsHealth Disparities; U.S. Minorities; Community-Based Participatory Research; Behavioral Health; Building Healthier Communities; Hispanic/Latino families Research Publications- Moore de Peralta, A., & Holaday, B. (2017). Cues to Cervical Cancer Screening among U.S.-Hispanic Women. Hispanic Health Care International, 15, 5 - 12.
Honors and Awards2015 HEHD Award of Excellence in Graduate Student Advising/Mentoring
LinksDecipher TV Interview on Creative Inquiry projectClemson World Story on CI project and WFIC Building Healthier Communities in the Dominican Republic project Building Healthier Communities in the Dominican Republic project Building Healthier Communities in the Dominican Republic project |