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Centers & Institutes
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Faculty and Staff Profile
Bryan DenhamCampbell Professor of Sports CommunicationOffice: Phone: 864-656-1567 Fax: 864-656-0599 Email: BDENHAM@clemson.edu | |
Educational BackgroundPh.D. Communications with Minor in Applied Statistics MA Communications BA Journalism and Political Science | Courses TaughtIntroduction to Human Communication
ProfileDr. Denham has been a faculty member at Clemson for 25 years and has served two times as Department Chair. He studies the media, health, and policy dimensions of substance use in sport and society and has published more than 70 refereed journal articles in 50 unique outlets across the behavioral, social, and health sciences. He has also published 50 non-refereed articles and 10 book chapters, in addition to the Wiley text Categorical Statistics for Communication Research. Dr. Denham serves on five editorial boards and has reviewed manuscripts for more than 80 scholarly journals. | |
Research PublicationsStatistics Text
Honors and AwardsFaculty Award for Excellence in Research – Senior Scholar, College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences at Clemson University, April 2020.
LinksCurriculum VitaLink to Categorical Statistics for Communication Research |