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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Elizabeth Gilmore

Director of Basic Courses
Senior Lecturer

Office: Strode Tower 412



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Educational Background

Ph.D. Communication and Culture
Indiana University 2019

MS Communication Studies
University of North Texas 2012

BS Human Communication
Abilene Christian University 2010

Courses Taught

COMM 8740 - Communication Education
COMM 8000 - Communication Pedagogy
HON 2230 - A Good Person Speaking Well
HON 2010 - Maps, Messages, and Meaning
COMM 2500 HON - Public Speaking
COMM 2500 - Public Speaking
COMM 2020 - Communication Theory
COMM 2010 - Introduction to Communication Studies
COMM 1500 - Introduction to Communication


Dr. Gilmore is the Director of Basic Courses and a Lecturer in the Department of Communication. She completed her Ph.D. in Communication and Culture at Indiana University, and her MS in Communication Studies at the University of North Texas. She has a Bachelor's Degree from Abilene Christian University.

Research Interests

Critical Pedagogy, Rhetorical Theory & Criticism, Persuasion, Argumentation, Classical Rhetoric, Public Advocacy and Public Speaking, Kenneth Burke, Digital Rhetoric, Visuality & Visual Rhetoric, Racial Representations, Critical Race Theory, Critical Whiteness, White Savior Myth, Colonial Studies (Post-, De-, Neo-), Civic Engagement, Humanitarian Aid, Cartography.

Research Publications

Kaszynski, Elizabeth. "Look, a [picture]!: Visuality, Race, and What We Do Not See." Quarterly Journal of Speech 102, no. 1 (2016): 62-78. doi:10.1080/00335630.2015.1136074.
--Awarded the 2016 National Communication Association Visual Communication Division Janis Edwards Article of the Year Award

Honors and Awards

2018 Carolinas Communication Association Mary E. Jarrard Prize for Graduate Student Research.
2018 Service Award for Leadership and Special Initiatives, Indiana University Communication and Culture Ph.D. Program
2016 National Communication Association Doctoral Honors Seminar Participant
2015-2016 Excellence in Teaching Award, Indiana University Department of Communication and Culture
2015 Central States Communication Association Past Officers Top Debut Papers Panel, for "Everyday Whiteness: Stuff White People Like and the Simulacrum of the Self"
2015 Top Student Paper Award, Popular Culture Interest Group, Central States Communication Association Convention, for "Everyday Whiteness: Stuff White People Like and the Simulacrum of the Self"
2013 Indiana University Cultural Studies Brantlinger-Naremore essay prize, second place, for the essay "Feeding the Dream: The Sleep Cycle of Capitalism and Waking to a New World."


Quarterly Journal of Speech Essay

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall