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College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences

Faculty and Staff Profile

Iryna Sharaievska

Assistant Professor

Office: 121 Sirrine Hall

Phone: 8646565357


Educational Background

PhD Recreation, Sport and Tourism
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2013

MS Geography
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv, Ukraine 2003

BS Geography
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv, Ukraine 2002

Research Interests

Technology-based leisure in contemporary families.
Leisure behavior among individuals and families of diverse backgrounds (non-resident parent, veteran families, low-income and rural families, family members with disabilities).
Use of new technologies in recreation management (e.g., the new media/social network sites, gaming, cell phones, navigational devices).

Research Publications

Sharaievska, I. & Mirehie, M. S. (2023). Use of social media before, during and after family trips. Journal of Leisure Research. DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2023.2182165

Sharaievska, I., Burk, B., & Burk, A. (2023). Role of fathers’ engagement in youth recreation programs. Journal of Leisure Research, 373-390. DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2022.2142871

Thurson, K. M., Gagnon, R. J., Garst, B. A., Sharaievska, I. (2023). Vaccine hesitancy, parental concerns, and COVID-19 in a digital leisure context: Implications for out-of-school time. Journal of Leisure Research, 286-307. DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2023.2174058

Marston, H. R., Ko, P. C., Prabhu, V. G., Freeman, S., Ross, C., Sharaievska, I., ... & Schüttengruber, G. (2023). Digital practices by citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from an international multisite study. JMIR Mental Health, 10(1), e41304. DOI: 10.2196/41304

Harmon, J., & Sharaievska, I. (2023). The future college student, revisited. SCHOLE. DOI: 10.1080/1937156X.2023.2166435

Izenstark, D. & Sharaievska, I. (2022). Changes in outdoor recreation among rural and urban children during the COVID-19 pandemic: Fathers’ perspectives. Children, Youth and Environments, 82-99. DOI: 10.1353/cye.2022.0024

Sharaievska, I., McAnirlin, O., Browning, M. H. E. M., Larson, L. R., Rigolon, A., Mullenbach, L., Cloutier, S., Vu, T. M., Thomsen, J., Reigner, N., Metcalf, E. C., D'Antonio, A., Helbich, M., Bratman, G., & Alvarez, H. O. (2022). Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on students’ social experience: A cross-sectional qualitative study across seven universities in the U.S. SCHOLE, 1-17. DOI 10.1080/1937156X.2022.2138644

Armstrong, M., Sharaievska, I., Crowe, B. M., & Gagnon, R.J. (2022). Experiences in outdoor recreation among individuals with Developmental Disabilities: Benefits, constraints, and facilitators. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 48(1), 46-57. DOI: 10.3109/13668250.2022.2104449

Burk, B., Sharaievska, I., & Burk, A. (2022). Facilitators and constraints: Toward an understanding of father’s involvement in their children’s youth programs. Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration.

Sharaievska, I., McAnirlin, O., Browning, M. H. E. M., Larson, L. R., Mullenbach, L., Rigolon, A., D'Antonio, A., Cloutier, S., Thomsen, J., Metcalf, E. C., Reigner, N. (2022). "Messy transitions": Students’ perspective on impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education. Higher Education.

Larson, L. R., Mullenbach, L. E., Browning, M. H., Rigolon, A., Thomsen, J., Metcalf, E. C., Reigner, N. P., Sharaievska, I. ... & Labib, S. M. (2022). Greenspace and park use associated with less emotional distress among college students in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Environmental research, 204, 112367.

Mirehie, M. S. & Sharaievska, I. (2022). Family Travel, Positive Psychology, and Well-being. In D. Fennel & D. Butler, Tourism: A Pathway to Hope and Happiness: Channel View.

Sharaievska, I. (2021). Digital divide in contemporary families. In: D. E. Trussell & R. Jeans. Families, Sport, Leisure and Social Justice. Routledge Publishers.

Browning, M. H. E. M., Larson, L. R., Sharaievska, I., Rigolon, A., McAnirlin, O., Mullenbach, L., Cloutier, S., Vu, T. M., Thomsen, J., Reigner, N., Metcalf, E. C., D'Antonio, A., Helbich, M., Bratman, G., & Alvarez, H. O. (2021). Psychological impacts from COVID-19 among university students: Risk profiles using data from seven states in the United States. PLOS ONE.

Burk, B. & Sharaievska, I. (2020). “That’s not a problem here”: Recreational youth programs and cyberbullying. International Journal of Sociology of Leisure Research.

Sharaievska, I., & Harmon, J. (2020). Contemporary college students. SCHOLE

Harmon, J., & Sharaievska, I. (2020). The future college students. SCHOLE

Fernandez, M., Lee, K. J. J., Larson, L., Johnson, C., Mowatt, R., Bush, K., Robinett, J., Sharaievska, I., Stewart, W. (2020). Deeper than diversity: A collection of teaching perspectives and strategies from Social Justice. SCHOLE

Sharaievska, I., Kono, S., & Mirehie, M. S. (2019). Are we speaking the same language? The experiences of international students and scholars in North American higher education. SCHOLE.

Sharaievska, I., Battista, B., & Zwetsloot, J. (2019). Use of physical activity monitoring devices by families in rural communities: Qualitative approach. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting.

Sharaievska, I., West, S., & Weddell, M. (2018). The Privilege of healthy eating: A Qualitative study exploring the local food choices of low-income families from Appalachia. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice.

Sharaievska, I., & Hodge, C.J. (2018). Technology-based leisure among nonresident fathers. International Journal of Sociology of Leisure.

Sharaievska, I., & Burk, B. (2018). Recreation in families with children with developmental disabilities: Caregivers’ use of online and offline support groups. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 52(1), 42-57.

Sharaievska, I. (2017). Updating the family operating system: ICT and family leisure. Leisure Sciences, special issue – 20 years of Family Leisure Research Revisited: Progress Made and Challenges Ahead, 39(5), 400-414.

Burk, B., & Sharaievska, I. (2017). Health and recreation perceptions of adults with developmental disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 51(3), 179-192.

Sharaievska, I., & Stodolska, M. (2017). Family satisfaction and social networking leisure. Leisure Studies, 36(2), 231-243.

Sharaievska, I., & Stodolska, M. (2015). Redefining boundaries in families through social networking leisure. Leisure Sciences, 37(5), 431-446.

Stodolska, M., Sharaievska, I., Tainsky, S., & Ryan, A. (2014). Minority youth participation in an organized sport program: Needs, motivations and facilitators. Journal of Leisure Research, 46 (5), 612-634.

Sharaievska, I., Kim, J., & Stodolska, M. (2013). Leisure and marital satisfaction in intercultural marriages. Journal of Leisure Research, 45 (4).

Sharaievska, I., Stodolska, M., & Floyd, M.F., (2013). Discrimination in leisure contexts. In: M. Stodolska, K.J. Shinew, M. Floyd, G. Walker. Race, ethnicity, and leisure. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Sharaievska, I., Stodolska, M., Shinew, K.J., & Kim, J. (2010). Discrimination in leisure settings in Latino urban communities. Leisure/Loisir, 34, 295-326.

College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences
College of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences | 116 Edwards Hall